seventy five: dancing

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Andie's POV

The party was already in full swing by the time I arrived with the girls and Kai.

Contrary to Caroline's original pitch, it wasn't exactly what I'd call 'low-key', but there were a little less people than usual, and the music wasn't quite as deafening as it normally was. Which, to be fair, was really all I could ask for from a Caroline Forbes' party. And honestly, I wasn't hating it. Quite the opposite actually.

It felt good to be in a mix of people again, and to hear something other than my own thoughts rattling around my head. It felt like I was finally living again. Not just stuck in the same depressing cycle of events, which somehow always led to myself or someone I loved having their life at stake. Tonight, I could just completely let go, surrounded by the only things I had left to hold onto. My friends, and my boyfriend. For some people it might not have been much, but for me it was everything.

We quickly managed to locate the rest of our group (on the sofas in the living room - where else would they be?) and I couldn't help but be taken aback by the reception I received. It was obvious that the word had gotten out about what had happened with Joshua, which honestly made me feel vulnerable, but in a strange way almost free. Like I finally wasn't hiding anything from anyone. I felt for once that I didn't have to pretend that I was totally okay, because everyone knew I wasn't. Which was equal parts terrifying and relieving.

I had to admit though, the way everyone grinned when they saw me made me feel like I was floating. It felt kind of nice to know that people were glad to see you alive.

Stefan quickly kissed Caroline's cheek upon our arrival before he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. "I'm glad you're safe." He whispered into my hair, before letting me go and giving my palm a quick squeeze. "And, Kai? Same to you - glad you're safe, man." He added, with a friendly pat on Kai's back.

"Thank you, Stef." I smiled, feeling Kai's hand rest on the small of my back as he stood behind me. "And I'm so happy for you and Care. Congratulations."

"Treat her well." Kai added, lowering his voice in what was an obvious attempt to hide it from Caroline, who was now perched on an armchair chatting to Bonnie. But even though Kai didn't notice, I saw a little smile appear on her lips as he said it, with her eyes intently fixed on us.

"I plan to." He chuckled, with a small nod. "And thanks Andie, it means a lot."

He gave a little touch on my arm before he slipped over to Caroline, leaning on the arm of her chair and pressing a kiss into the top of her blonde curls. Her smile shot as wide as I think I'd ever seen it go.

Whilst I found myself distracted, giggling happily at Stefan and Caroline finally together, I was caught off guard by another one of my friends ready to give their, 'I'm glad you're alive!', greeting.

"Ands?" A deep voice yelled from the sofa.

My head quickly spun around, and I saw Damon lounging casually on the sofa. His jet-black hair had grown out a little, and fell around his face and ears in thick tufts. His charcoal shirt was, in typical Damon fashion, unbuttoned at the top. And in his hand, a glass of bourbon. He couldn't be more stereotypically him if he tried.

I quickly looked up at Kai, and he pointed over to Caroline, Stefan, and Bonnie, indicating he'd wait there for me. Which to be fair was probably a good idea, considering he and Damon tended to clash. So, as he joined the others, I made my way to the empty spot beside Damon. I was almost surprised not to see Elena beside him until I remembered she'd gone with Matt to go and get some drinks.

"Ands?" I scoffed, as I joined him on the sofa. "Is that a new nickname?"

"Mmm, nothing else stuck with you. Besides, I can't really be mean with my nicknames when papa Gemini just tried to murder you, can I?"

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