eighty nine: expectations

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Andie's POV

A few mornings later, my breakfast was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Thoughts of a few familiar faces flitted through my mind as I went to answer it, though I wasn't expecting anyone in particular. I thought that it quite easily could've been Caroline, or Elena, or Bonnie. I'd even let myself think of Kai for a moment. I'd thought that maybe he had spontaneously come to visit me, like I had visited him just a handful of days ago.

The person who actually ended up being at the door, however, never really crossed my mind at all. Though as surprised as I was when I looked at him, I realised that I was pleased he was here.

Enzo looked almost different as he stood on my porch. His grin looked less smug, more sincere, his dark mahogany eyes looked more warm than intimidating, and rather than cocky, he looked almost reserved. He pulled off the kind expression just as well as his usual more intimidating one.

"Enzo - hi." I chucked somewhat awkwardly. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I was going to call - but I thought that was a bit cowardly. Better to ask you in person."

Though his explanation was vague, it was comfortingly in character for him. However, that still didn't stop a few nerves fluttering in my stomach.

I pulled my brows together, keeping my eyes fixed to his. "Go on..."

His lips curved gently, as he pushed out a shallow breath. Then I noticed the familiar look of confidence mask his face, his features settling in a way which looked effortlessly handsome. "Do you want to go out with me tonight? For dinner." He asked, his voice smooth and steady.

I tried to hide the swirl of emotions that immediately swept through me, but I knew with his heightened hearing he'd still be able to hear the way my heart was thumping. I begged it to slow, but each pulse hammered my ribs all the same.

"Like on a date?" I clarified.

"Yeah." He nodded. "A date."

My breath seemed to catch in my throat, my mind going totally blank. I just looked at him completely expressionlessly, not knowing how to answer. All I knew was that for some reason, a guilty feeling started to settle in the pit of my stomach, coiling in a tight, heavy knot.

The weight of the knot forced me to speak before I even knew what I really wanted to say.

"Enzo, I -"

"Wait, before you answer," he cut in, "I just want to say - I'm obviously not expecting anything from you. I'm not expecting you to want to jump into anything. I just want to get to know you better, and I want you to get to know me."

I pushed out a shallow sigh, trying to sift through the jumbled thoughts in my mind. On one hand, I liked Enzo - he was funny, and endearing. On the other hand, I didn't know if I was ready to date yet. But then again - it was just one dinner. It wasn't like he'd be my boyfriend, it wasn't a commitment, it was just a date. It didn't have to go anywhere if I decided I didn't want it to.

"No expectations?" I pressed.

He shook his head. "None at all." He assured with a faint grin. "Just one dinner."

I felt the corners of my lips tugging upwards before I'd even fully convinced myself it was a good idea. "Alright." I nodded. "I can do one dinner."

His lips immediately broke into a wide grin which even he couldn't pass off as casual, and I weirdly felt a little wave of warmth passing though my chest. It was rare to see him look excited about anything.

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