fifty one: mind games

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tw: some explicit sexual scenes in this chapter, please skip if this may be triggering or simply isn't for you.

Drawing my eyes away from the mechanical jump of partiers, who's excitable dance moves had almost seemed to be stuck on loop the whole night, I let my gaze drift up to meet Kai's.

His lips were still curved into the same gloating grin which had been tattooed across his face for the last hour, and it only seemed to widen as our eyes connected.

"What?" I pressed, as if I didn't already know.

I could already hear him. 'I always win, Andie'. 'I'm the best'. 'I never lose'. Asshole.

"Nothing." He grinned, with a little shake of his head. "You just look really pretty."

Pleasantly surprised, I felt my lips start to tug into a little smile. It was strange how one compliment from him still made me happier than a thousand compliments from anyone else could. Every time kind words left his mouth, it almost made me feel woozy. Tipsy on the low rasps of his voice, and the way he looked into my eyes.

I softly nudged my shoulder against his, feeling the buzz of our bodies coming together even through our clothes. "You don't look too bad yourself." I complimented.

The corners of his lips tugged up, as he gave me a little scrunch of his nose.

"I bet you're glad I won our little bet then." He teased.

I rolled my eyes at him, taking a long swig from my bottle of beer. How did I know that one was coming? He just couldn't help himself.

"You know, you could dance with me." I commented. "Since we've been here for over two hours and you still haven't."

"And you could live up to your end of our deal." He retorted. "Since I won over an hour ago, and you still haven't."

"Dance with me first." I bargained.

He let out a little groan, reluctantly shifting his eyes around the room and looking at the dense group of people who were all drunkenly dancing to the thumping music.

"Can't you dance with Caroline?" He asked. "I'm not much of a dancer."

"Do you see Caroline around here?" I scoffed, taking a quick glance around the room. "Or any of my other friends for that matter?"

He let out a defeated sigh, realising that even after a meticulous scan of the room, none of my friends were anywhere within eyeshot. He quickly pulled his bottle up to his grimaced lips and downed the last few inches of his beer before grabbing onto my hand.

He started tugging me towards the centre of the living room with a small groan, as I giggled happily behind him, tightly squeezing his palm. When we finally became merged into the melee of movement, he pulled me close to him, rolling his eyes at my wide grin.

His movements were reluctant at first. He seemed adamant he wanted to move as little as possible just to prove a point, but after a couple of minutes I caught his lips starting to curve. His body became more relaxed, and he let himself move with me, keeping me pressed tight against him as I guided our movements to the tempo of the music.

"See this isn't so bad." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Mmm." He hummed. "It's not awful."

I gave him a little chuckle as his hands tightly gripped my waist, and he spun me around, so his chest was pressed into my back. With a little flex of his fingers, he made sure I was pressed right into his crotch, so every movement I made brushed against him.

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