thirty four: justice

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Kai's POV

"You guys, what are we going to do about this?" Caroline panicked. "We need to get her back."

Caroline had ordered us all to meet at the Salvatore house to discuss Andie's situation. Other than me, there was seven serious looking faces in the room, who had all come to help.

Caroline, Damon, Bonnie, and Tyler, I already knew. It didn't take me long to figure out the brunette girl hanging off Damon's arm was Elena, and the name 'Stefan' had been thrown about so many times that I quickly realised the guy next to Damon was his younger brother.

The final guy was kinda quiet, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and I thought I heard Tyler refer to him as 'Matt', but I might have been wrong.

The person who obviously stuck out the most was me. The rest were all friends, and they all practically just talked amongst themselves whilst I slouched on the armchair, just trying to think the whole scenario out in my head.

Even though I was willing to do anything to help Andie, I have to admit sitting in a room full of her dim friends was testing. Elena was already pissing me off with her whining, and Damon was just as bad with his groaning.

And it was taking all I had in me not to tear Tyler apart limb from limb.

Although, it was clear that the feeling of hatred was mutual in the room, because almost all of them made their distaste for me very clear with frequent poisonous glares thrown in my direction.

"We'll get her to turn it back on." Damon grumbled. "We just need her emotional trigger, which has to be you, Caroline."

Caroline had sort of clued me in on all the vampire terminology. An emotional trigger was the person who would be able to make Andie feel something again. The one who could force her humanity back on.

And Caroline wasn't sure that it was her.

"You didn't see her, Damon. It's not going to be that simple this time." Caroline argued. "It's not like when Stefan or Elena turned it off, there's something different about her. She's enjoying it way too much."

"And she's smart." I added, using my voice for the first time since I got here. "I don't think she's going to be easy to get back."

As I spoke every single set of eyes in the room burned into me, a disgusted look smeared across most of their expressions.

The only ones who looked willing to tolerate me were Caroline and Stefan.

"Remind me why he's here again, Blondie?" Damon grunted.

Caroline's eyes quickly glanced to mine, and I gave her a nod.

I told Caroline the whole story last night, and I agreed that if it was going to help Andie, I'd just have to tell the others.

"About that..." Caroline sighed. "I don't think I'm Andie's emotional trigger."

"Oh, you don't mean -" Damon hissed.

"Look, when Andie's dad died, I wasn't the one she needed. I called her like a billion times, but she didn't come to me, she went to Kai." Caroline explained. "He has to be her trigger."

My heart was thumping below my ribs as my eyes shifted around the room, picking up all of the suspicious looks being thrown my way.

I never intended for her friends to find out about us, but if I really was our only shot at getting Andie's humanity back on, I hardly had a choice.

"Why would Kai be her trigger?" Bonnie scoffed. "She's hardly spoken to him since she's been home."

"That's not strictly true." I groaned.

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