eighty eight: friends (part two)

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Kai's POV

The next day I felt better than I had for months.

Andie had spent hours with me last night, talking and laughing just like we used to. I wished it would've lasted forever, but at least when she left I was comforted by the knowledge I'd have to wait less than twenty-four hours to see her again.

I spent a long time getting ready for the celebration at The Grill. I went for a haircut in the morning and shaved the stubble from my jaw. I meticulously flicked through all of the clothes in my closet, but landed on wearing a blue shirt which Andie had always liked.

However, as I walked to The Grill, I still found myself worrying the whole way that I didn't look good enough. My shirt wasn't pressed properly, or my hair wasn't sitting quite right. The closer I got to the place, the more damp my palms grew, and the harder my heart tapped. By the time I reached the door I was more nervous than I could ever remember being.

I soothed myself with a deep breath as I opened the door, quickly scanning the room until I found Andie and her friends spread over two large tables near the back of the room. I found myself pausing, just so I could take a moment to look at her.

Her chocolate hair fell in shiny waves, and her dress was deep midnight blue. And I couldn't help but notice the glint of an emerald pendant hanging from her neck. The same one I'd placed on her all those months ago in the prison world. Seeing that she still wore it sent a warm fuzzy feeling whizzing through my chest, and I couldn't help but feel the corners of my lips tugging upwards.

I might've stood and spend a few more seconds looking at her if Caroline hadn't spotted me first.

"Kai, over here!" The blonde shouted, waving at me from the other side of the room.

I waved back, pretending I hadn't noticed them previously, and made my way over to their tables. Caroline was the first person I reached.

"Congratulations, Care." I smiled, allowing myself to pull her in for a quick hug.

As I held her in my arms, a wave of thoughts suddenly rushed into my brain. Last night when Andie had come over, I'd been so focused on the joy of finally seeing her again that I didn't really take a moment to think about what it would mean when the girls went to college. Caroline and I probably wouldn't be able to hang out as much anymore. She wouldn't come by every other night to keep me company. And with Andie going too, I assumed I wouldn't see much of her either.

I quickly tried to scrub the thoughts from my brain. I was supposed to be happy that they got into college, not sad because I'd be alone again. Besides, I'd be fine. Seeing them occasionally would still be a lot more than I'd had for the rest of my life prior to meeting Andie.

"Thank you, Kai." She grinned excitedly, as she slipped out of my arms. "I'm glad you could make it."

I nodded along absentmindedly, but already found my eyes drifting to the other table, where Andie was sat chatting to Bonnie.

"Go say hi." Caroline chuckled, obviously noticing my attention was elsewhere. "You can come talk to me after."

I quickly allowed my eyes to flick back to the blonde, giving her a quick touch on the shoulder. "Thanks." I smiled appreciatively. "Seriously - happy for you, though." I added, as I made my way over to Andie.

As I approached the table, her chin began to lift, and her huge chestnut eyes fixed onto mine. The whole room seemed to fade away just for a second, as a small grin danced over her lips.

When I was just a step away, she stood from the table and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, holding me close enough that I could smell the perfume on her neck. I instantly thought of how I'd like to press my lips into the soft skin just below her ear, but I tried to push the idea away. God knows if I'd ever get the opportunity to kiss her again.

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