fifteen: relinquish

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tw: explicit sexual scenes in this chapter, please skip if this is not for you or may be triggering

Now the days seemed to drag on, every gruelling minute spent on edge, my defences up. Day after day it became harder to restrain myself from him. It had become quite apparent how severely I had underestimated just how hard it would be to be trapped with a very attractive man for weeks on end without giving into desire.

It had gotten to the point where every single time he touched me - even in a completely platonic manor - I would become instantly jumpy and jittery. I knew that I'd have to say or do something about it soon, but I was terrified.

The thing is, I didn't know if I wanted something purely sexual or something more. I was just scared that if we started something, anything, and we ended up on a different page, it would destroy what we had now.

And if he really was going to be the only person I'd ever see again, I couldn't afford to destroy our relationship.

But then again, if we were never going to get out of here, I knew at some point something was going to happen between us.

God, I just wish I knew if this was forever. If this place was forever.

Maybe if I just knew that one thing, I could forget about Tyler and my friends and just focus on how to deal with my life here. I could get enough clarity to process what I felt for Kai without it being clouded by thoughts of my past life.

Although every day recently had been a challenge, today had been particularly testing.

The day started as usual with me stumbling downstairs for breakfast, but this morning when I came down, I was met by Kai working out.


That was the first test.

Then by lunch time he had touched my waist on at least a handful of occasions, each time sending a wave of unwanted pleasure through my bones.

And after dinner, we curled up on the sofa like always and each spent some time reading. I had been stuck on the same page for about an hour now. My eyes could hardly focus on words when they could stare at him instead.

As I watched him flick through pages, I picked up all the nuances of his face. The way his lips would curl as he read a funny passage, or how his nose would crinkle when he read something disagreeable. Every slight twinge of his features made my heart flutter against my ribs, eyes lost in him.

My desire for him became almost unbearable when he bit his lip to stifle a small chuckle before flicking the page. God, he looked so good when he did that.

Suddenly, I wanted him more than ever and I figured it wouldn't do any harm to flirt just a little. I mean it was just flirting. Just some fun. Right?

That's what I was telling myself anyway.

My eyes still latched to Kai I softly poked his leg with my toes, lip held between my teeth to suppress a bashful grin.

As my playful kick connected with him his eyes flicked up to meet mine, small grin playing across his lips.

"Yes, Andie?"

"I'm bored." I mumbled from across the sofa, cradling my knees into my chest.

"Okay." He chuckled, closing his book softly and placing it on the coffee table. "What do you wanna do?"

"Why don't we just talk?" I suggested. "I mean we never just talk anymore."

His lips quickly curled into a large grin as his brows knit together. "Andie, literally all we do is talk."

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