twenty five: callous

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Hot blood pulsed through my ears as my eyes narrowed in on my target. As soon as I had him in my crosshairs Caroline's desperate calls after me quickly faded into the low hum of background noise that I couldn't even hear anymore.

All that existed was pure rage.

And it burned through every cell in my body. It set fire to my skin, roaring mercilessly through me until my muscles tightened to an almost painful degree. But I couldn't concentrate on the agony, or even the flames, all I could think about was revenge.

I needed to win for once.

And there was only one person who had ever affected Kai. Only one person who ever made his eyes flicker with the same jealousy mine burned with.

And I was ready to strike a match.

"Hey, Tyler." I grinned, as I finally reached my perfect payback. "Let's dance."

He pulled his brows together at my request, but before he could even respond, I grabbed his palm and dragged him to the centre of the room, nudging through other dancers to get to the perfect spot.

Right in Kai's eye line.

I knew Tyler's eyes were burning into me, as he probably wondered why out of all of the people here, I would choose to dance with my ex-boyfriend, but I didn't care. Not in that moment. All I cared about was pushing my body as close to his as I could manage. I cared about making our little dance look as far from innocent as possible.

"Andie, what are you doing?" He scoffed.

"What?" I giggled. "Friends can't dance?"

"No, it's not that." He replied, reluctantly beginning to dance along with me. "I just didn't think you'd want to dance with me."

I gave him a roll of my eyes, as I slid my hands to the back of his neck, my forced confidence hiding the rapid palpitations of my heart. "Well, if you want, I'll go find Matty." I taunted, as I pressed my chest against his.

"No." He chuckled. "I'd rather you stay with me."

With a victorious grin settling across my lips, I let my body flow with the high tempo music that blared through the room. There wasn't so much as a millimetre of space between me and the wolf as he wrapped his arms around my waist, using his fingertips to keep me close.

I noticed a few sets of eyes around the room focusing on Tyler and I, probably all wondering when 'innocent Andie' found the confidence to dance like that in front of everyone. But there was one stare across the room who seemed to be particularly enjoying my newfound courage. The almost black eyes of Enzo eyed me intently, with his lips curled into a mischievous smirk.

I had to admit, he was pretty hot. And as my eyes scanned his lean frame, I almost wished I had chosen to dance with him instead, but it wouldn't have really had the same effect on Kai as Tyler would have.

Which was a shame really.

But I figured I had the whole night to flirt with as many different boys as I pleased, so I met Enzo's intense gaze with a playful smile and whispered, "weren't you going to welcome me home?", to which the vampire mouthed back "later" with an amused smirk. Pleased with his answer, I turned back to Tyler with a giggle, who was clearly too busy focusing on trying to coordinate his feet to be reading my lips.

When I figured we had been dancing for long enough to attract some attention from someone who actually mattered, I stole a quick glance over Tyler's shoulder and quickly found a pair of ocean blue eyes glaring at me from the sofa.

He definitely wasn't looking at Amy anymore.

Even when my eyes met Kai's, he refused to look away. Instead, his top lip twitched, and nostrils flared, his expression consumed with complete and utter fury. But I refused to give in to his poisonous glare, so I took a page out of Kai's own book and twisted my lips into a cold smirk.

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