thirty six: passages

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When the sun finally burst into the hazy sky this morning, I jumped out of bed with a grin across my lips and a spring in my step.

I hadn't looked forward to anything this much - ever. I had been up almost all night polishing up the final details. And I knew it was perfect.

I could hardly wait to see how they would all react. I wanted to see every drop of hope and happiness drain from their faces right in front of my eyes. Oh, it was going to be hilarious.

This was my most spectacular idea yet. I would never have been able to come up with something like this with my humanity on. I would've had too many emotions and complex little feelings clouding my judgment.

Emotion was a chemical defect which directly resulted in weakness.

Shutting it off – that was power.

And my friends needed to see that. They were in desperate need of a wakeup call.

I mean, more than half of them were powerful vampires, and the witches were hardly lacking in strength either, yet they still neglected to utilise that power.

They'd refused to see that they would be so much better off if they stopped pretending to be humans, and just embraced their gifts.

Why would anyone want to be human, anyway?

Humans were weak. They were fragile. They were disposable. They were pathetic.

And my friends would see that soon enough. They would find out how foolish they had been to believe that humans were worth anything more than the blood that ran through their veins.

All they needed was a little nudge from me to set them off on the right path.

And believe me, I was more than happy to help.

I did have to give thanks to Matty, though. Without the little piece of information that I collected from him, I never would've been able to pull this all off.

Now I knew exactly when they'd all be meeting. Exactly when they'd all be together. I knew precisely when to pounce.

And after a night full of tedious waiting, my moment had finally come. I paced up to the Salvatore house at exactly twelve p.m., growing more giddy with every step.

I couldn't seem to stop little bursts of giggles falling from my lips.

It was all just too exciting. Too fun. Too hilarious.

Although, maybe that was the wrong way of expressing it.

There was no such thing as too much.

I threw the door of the house opened and stalked inside, curling my lips into a wide grin. My heart raced with excitement as I paused at the grand archway which served as the entrance to the living room.

"I'm hereee." I chirped, as every set of eyes in the instantly fixated on me.

Some were brown, some green, some blue.

All frightened.

"How did you even know we were all going to be here right now?" Caroline snapped, as she folded her arms tightly across her chest.

I rolled my eyes at the blonde, as I paced right into the centre of the room and started scanning my eyes around the worried faces in front of me.

"Okay, let's see. We've got Caroline, obviously." I started. "We've got Bonnie, Elena, Damon, Stefan and of course - Kai." I grinned with a wink towards the witch. "By my estimations we're two irritating friends short."

Tempted | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now