sixty three: pastries

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tw: this chapter contains explicit sexual scenes, if this may be triggering or simply isn't for you, please skip.

Kai's POV

Beams of warm sunshine shot through my blinds, as I tiptoed carefully around the dining table, pouring a stream of orange juice into two large glasses perched on slate grey coasters.

The ice-cold liquid immediately caused the formation of beads of condensation on the outside of the glasses, which sat beside two ivory plates. Each one was stacked full of pastries, still warm from the oven, and freshly sliced vibrant fruit.

The homely smell of freshly cooked croissants filled the air, smelling so mouth-watering that my stomach was starting to rumble. Thankfully, I was almost at the point where I'd get to eat the breakfast I'd prepared. All I needed was one final touch.

I plucked out a single rose from a large bouquet of flowers I'd had delivered this morning, and carefully stripped it of its petals. Making a small trail from the kitchen, I scattered the pale pink flower petals all the way to the bedroom. And once I'd completed my final touch, I rattled my knuckles against the bedroom door, calling in to the room from the hallway.

"Andie, can you wake up, baby?" I yelled. "I need help with something."

A moment later I heard a small grunt through the door. "One second." She answered sleepily.

With my lips immediately pulling out into a wide grin, I sprinted back to the kitchen as quietly as I could, holding her bunch of flowers in my hand and waiting for her to appear. I was practically shaking with excitement after a few seconds, so eager to see a burst of happiness flush over her delicate features.

The past few weeks had been so hard on her, and even though she was dealing with it so well, I had noticed her smile starting to dwindle. She hadn't had much to be happy about for a while now, and I just wanted to give her at least one reason to smile. Even if it only lasted a second, all of my efforts would've been worth while to see that beautiful look on her face.

The moment I heard the clunky twist of the bedroom door handle, my heart started racing, and I had to bite into my grin to try and stop it deepening any further. Her footsteps immediately paused as soon as she opened the door, presumably noticing the trail of flower petals, and I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a small chuckle.

"Kai?" She giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Come see." I replied.

Then I heard the soft taps of her footsteps drawing closer and closer to me, until she finally reached the doorway to the kitchen. She immediately slammed to a halt, as an ear-to-ear grin shot across her face. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth, as she let out a cheerful laugh. And in that moment, time seemed to slow down. It was like I could had hours to study every single perfect detail that comprised her.

Her eyes sparkled with kindness and warmth, and her shiny waves of chocolate hair cascaded perfectly around her shoulders. Her body was covered by a little white tank top, and a pair of my boxers which she liked to sleep in, and her long legs seemed to go on for days. She was just unbelievable. Flawless.

"I can't believe how sweet you are." She gushed.

I scrunched the bridge of my nose with a small grin as I held the bouquet of flowers out towards her. "These are for you." I smiled sweetly.

She accepted them with an infectious giggle, holding the bunch to her nose and taking a deep breath.

"You are the best." She grinned, as she stumbled into my arms holding the large bunch of flowers behind my head.

Tempted | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now