fifty six: doctor

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Bland white walls, that made up identical hallways, raced past Kai and I as we sped through the hospital.

At the speed we were going you'd have thought we wouldn't have had time to soak in the eerie atmosphere that always seeped through hospitals, but it was impossible not to be affected by it.

The blinding white lights embedded in the ceilings, and closed doors behind which desperate whimpers hid. It all consumed you, almost making you feel guilty for your health.

With every pace my heart rate thumped harder, crashing through my chest, and pulsing against my eardrums. Beads of nervous sweat prickled on my palms, and the impact of each rushed step ricocheted through my shaking legs and weakened joints, reminding me just how scared I was of what was happening.

But that didn't matter. Not now. All that mattered was that I got to Caroline as quickly as possible. That I got to be by her side and made sure that she was okay.

But how could anyone be okay in this situation?

"Did she say ward seventeen or eighteen?" I panicked, standing at a crossroads, and struggling to pull the information from a sea of disjointed thoughts.

"Seventeen." Kai confirmed, grabbing a hold of my hand.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I paced forward towards ward seventeen. Kai and I quickly pushed through the doors, and I felt a small burst of relief flooding into my lungs when I saw Stefan stood just down the hallway.

At least that meant Caroline hadn't been here alone.

"Hey, Stefan." I breathed, as Kai and I approached him.

He gave a small nod, his expression tense, and eyes concerned. When we finally stood just beside him, my gaze shifted to inside the room which I presumed Liz was staying.

The blinds were closed almost all the way, but through the slim gaps I could just about make out Liz in the bed, speaking to a man in a white coat stood beside her.

"Where's Care?"

"She's getting coffee for her mom." He explained. His eyes quickly flicked to the room, peering through the gaps just like I had done a moment prior, before he turned back to me with an almost hesitant expression. "The doctor, he's in there talking to Liz right now."

I gave a small nod, already subconsciously focusing my hearing in on the room. All it took was a split-second decision to home in on any conversation, and then I could hear everything. It was almost too easy. In fact, it was too easy. It was far too simple to break trust, and quickly make private conversations public knowledge.

I knew it was invasive and wrong, but I needed to see if Liz was okay. I needed to know she'd be back to normal soon. For Caroline.

"We'll keep you in overnight for some more observation. Keep an eye on you." The doctor explained. "But fainting is common with these sorts of things, so it's important you aren't on your own for long periods of time."

"Well, that's alright. I've got my daughter, Caroline."

The doctor continued to talk to Liz, and as he did so, I felt my eyes drift over to Stefan. I immediately noted the worried lines that were carved into his face. Deep crevices burying into his skin, formed by the presence of a worked-up scowl.

But even as I looked at the flattened line of Stefan's frowning lips, my ears were still fixated on Liz' room. And whilst the doctor was talking to Liz - saying nothing particularly revealing - I started to realise something. His voice sounded so familiar. I couldn't quite place it, but I knew it. Strangely, it was almost comforting.

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