seventy seven: phillip

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The flight to Portland hadn't been nearly as bad as the cab ride from the airport to Phillip's house.

The whole journey I felt nauseous, sickened by the frantic thumps of my heart and at the sheer speed which disjointed worries zoomed through my head. With every subtle bump in the road, I felt like vomit was rising in my throat. Although I wouldn't have to meet anyone else in the coven until the next day, I knew that as soon as our cab pulled up outside Phillip's home, I'd be face to face with yet another Parker. At least this meeting couldn't possibly go as bad as my last meeting with one of Kai's relatives, I thought with a lacklustre sigh.

As we drove down a quiet street, protected by a massive gate and a security booth, and lined with large houses sat on perfectly manicured lawns, I felt Kai's hand rest on my knee and give it a little squeeze. And I instantly knew, this must've been where Phillip lived. My eyes actually widened as I saw the size of some of the houses on the street, and I felt my heart pause when the cab slowed to a halt outside what must've been the biggest house out of the lot.

Kai handed the cabbie a note from his pocket and told him to keep the change, and we both stepped out of the car with our bags. With every step I took towards the grand front door, I became more overwhelmed by the little sinking feeling which told me I really didn't belong here.

"So, Phillip lives alone?" I asked, looking up at the gigantic house in front of us.

"Yeah." Kai chuckled. "He's got a lot of money - but not much else, from what I know."

I nodded as we stepped onto the porch, not able to make any words come out. Kai turned to me as we stood in front of the door, giving me a reassuring look, and grabbing onto my hand.

"Don't worry." He breathed. "You'll be fine."

I didn't manage a response, but he stretched out and pressed the doorbell regardless. The sing-song melody seemed almost laughable in the situation, considering how tense I felt. Then only a few moments later, the door pulled open, and I finally saw Phillip in the flesh.

He had the very same silvery hair as Joshua, but his hazel eyes were a lot kinder than the shark-like stare I remembered Joshua having. I thought he probably looked a little older than Kai's father, but he was the sort of man that you could imagine looked very handsome when he was younger. And he was dressed very smartly, in a well-fitted pair of pants and shirt, despite the late hour which we had arrived. The aspect of him which comforted me the most, however, was his smile. It seemed so warm and genuine that I almost found myself wondering why I'd gotten so worked up in the first place.

"Kai." He grinned, as he held out his hand. "It's good to see you."

Kai accepted Phillip's hand and gave it a firm shake, giving his uncle a small chuckle. "Good to see you, Phillip." He smiled. "Been quite some time."

"And you must be Andie." Phillip said, turning his attention to me and enveloping me in his warm eyes. "Kai's told me a lot about you."

"It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Parker." I replied politely.

"Please, call me Phillip." He insisted. "Can I take your bags inside?"

I barley had a chance to nod before he'd taken my small suitcase from me and brought it into his house, urging Kai and I in with a small wave. "Come in." He grinned.

I felt a sigh of relief escape me, as I stepped through the doorway. At least I didn't have to ask to be invited in, I thought optimistically. That would've been a bit of a giveaway.

"I'm assuming you're both tired, so I'll just show you up to your room and let you get settled in." He explained, as we walked through a long corridor, filled with expensive looking decorations and paintings. "But if you'd like we can have breakfast together tomorrow morning?"

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