fifty: the enchanted forest

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My fingertips grazed over the floaty white material of my dress, as I smoothed the fabric down my body. My eyes followed with my touch, scanning over my outfit in the mirror.

The white dress had a deep v neckline, and sheer sleeves which gracefully floated down my arms, flaring out at the ends. The deep wine sash I had sewn hung from the left shoulder, and pinched together at my waist, before flowing over my right hip with waterfalls of plush maroon fabric.

To finish the look off, I had put on a considerable amount of gold jewellery, and gold heels which laced up my calves.

Content with my reflection, I felt my lips start to tug into a faint smile, as my eyes lifted upwards to steal a final look at my hair and makeup. My eyes were soft and sultry, and my lips were covered with a thin layer of shiny gloss. The waves of my hair, cascaded around my shoulders, and they were dotted with sporadic little braids, each laced with little buds of flowers.

The final look was exactly how I had envisioned it would be.

And as unusual as it was, I actually found myself getting increasingly excited for Bonnie's party. Big events like these usually twisted my stomach with nerves and anxiousness, but tonight my stomach was fluttering with eagerness to finally just have fun.

"Kai?" I called from the bedroom.

I heard a little mumble from the living room, but no movement, so I called again.

"Are you dressed?" I asked.

"Yes." He grumbled. "I feel stupid."

I gave a sigh, feeling a little chuckle tumble out of my lips before I had the chance to stop it.

"I'm sure you look great."

"I always look great." He fired back. "Now I look great and stupid."

"Just come here."

I heard a grunt push through his lips before a begrudging shuffle started to drag down the hallway and towards the bedroom. The twist of the door handle was accompanied by a slow creek, as the door pushed open just one inch.

"Do I have to wear the cape?" Kai grumbled through the crack in the door.

"It's a cloak." I groaned. "And yes, otherwise you'd just be wearing a black suit."

A deep sigh pushed through the doorframe, before he finally forced the door open just enough to slip inside the room, and he stood before me with an anxious look on his face.

"Well?" He prompted.

My eyes quickly absorbed every intricate detail of him. His black suit was tailored perfectly to his body, and was comprised of a thick structured material – making him look incredibly expensive.

The cloak was what really set the costume off. It hung off of his broad shoulders, floating down to his calves in elegant ripples. The length elongated his body, making him look even taller than he already was, and the mass of dark black tones covering his body gave him a mysterious look.

"Well, you certainly clean up nice, don't you?" I grinned, as I stepped closer to him.

His lips instinctively started to twist, part of his self-consciousness fading away.

"I could say the same for you, Persephone." He smiled, as he slipped his hand into the curve of my waist and pulled my body into his. "No wonder I picked you to rule hell with me."

I gave him a little giggle, leaning forward and placing a little kiss on his cheek.

"Let me see your hands." I requested, my lips curving into an excited grin.

Tempted | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now