fifty two: envy

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tw: explicit sexual scenes in this chapter - if this may be triggering, or simply isn't for you please skip ahead.

My fingers stroked the plush red sofa in the living room, as my eyes stared blankly into the bottom of my glass.

If I focused enough, I could hear the way the remnants of my drink sloshed around every time I moved ever so slightly. I could almost feel each individual thread of the embroidered material which covered the sofa vibrating against my fingertips like guitar strings. I could smell the distinct different twinges of the scents of each individual blood type coursing through the veins of people around me.

I focused so intently on my senses, just to block out the thoughts which threatened to overrule everything.

Pulling a shallow breath into my lungs, I swirled the last splash of golden liquid around the bottom of my glass, before lifting it to my lips and swallowing it all back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kai inquired from beside me, putting his hand on my knee.

The second his hands touched me, everything seemed to spark back into life. The more subtle nuances of the room which I was fixating on were replaced by more lively features. The sound of thumping music. The sight of people giggling. The tangible buzz of electrifying happiness all around me.

"What?" I blurted, with a small shake of my head. "I was in a daydream."

"And you've been in a daydream since Amy kissed you." He countered. "What's on your mind?"

I felt my eyes falling into his, as I pushed a short sigh through my chewed lips. And as my disjointed thoughts struggled to transform into words, I wished there were more filling my glass than disappointing emptiness.

"Are you mad at me?" I blurted.

"What? No." He quickly reassured. "It wasn't your fault - it was just a game."

I pulled my brows together, finding his deep blue eyes. "Would you have kissed someone if it was during the game?" I quizzed.

"No - I would never kiss someone else."

"So, then why aren't you mad at me?"

He pulled a breath in through his lips, using his fingertips to gently stroke my knee. His eyes were fixed so intently on me that the room started to slip away again, and I could hear every little beat of my heart beneath my chest.

"Andie, do you like her in that way?" He asked. "Are you attracted to Amy?"

"She's a pretty girl, but I'm in love with you." I explained. "I don't think of anyone else in that way – not when I've got you."

His lips curved into a faint smile, as his fingers gently squeezed my leg. "Well, then there you go." He nodded. "It didn't mean anything, Andie."

"That's not the point." I sighed.

"Then, what is the point?"

"The point is, I was so busy being mad at you for not stopping her kissing you that I didn't realise she was going for me the whole time." I admitted. "I thought it was you she wanted - not me."

He gave me a little nod, reaching for my fingers and lacing them through mine.

"I understand." He assured. "But listen, you don't like her, and I'm not mad - so, what's the problem?"

"I don't know - I just feel weird." I shrugged. "I don't wanna kiss anyone who isn't you."

His lips curved into a slight grin, as his arms snaked around my shoulder and he let out a little chuckle.

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