fifty five: dinner

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Andie's POV

The subtle twitch of the mattress below my body was enough to stir me this morning. Breaking out of my deep sleep, and into a hazy version of consciousness, I stretched, feeling the covers ruffling around me.

A moment later I felt my body being drawn in by a strong pair of arms, and light kisses pressing into the side of my face.

I let out a low mumble, burying my face into his shoulder and letting my lips softly push into his skin.

"Morning, beautiful." He breathed.

The sound of his voice instantly threw me off. It was lacking the low raspy tone which characterised his morning voice, the sound which only wore off hours after he'd woken up.

I pulled my brows together, as I pried open my tired eyes, finding him staring intently at me.

"You don't sound sleepy." I said sceptically. "Why don't you sound sleepy?"

He instantly let out a soft chuckle, slipping his hand into the curve of my waist.

"Maybe it's a secret." He teased.

I gave a little shake of my head, pushing a light chuckle past my lips. "What are you up to?" I quizzed.

He bit down on his lip to stifle his grin as, he slowly lifted his hand towards my face. His fingertips gently brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear as his deep blue eyes connected with mine.

"We're going out tonight." He revealed, his smile cracking so wide that dimples formed in his smooth cheeks.

"Out?" I pressed. "What do you mean out? Like a -"

"Date." He finished.

I gave him a little giggle, finding my fingertips grazing over his chest.

"Well, it took you long enough." I teased.

"I know, I know." He played. "But what with the prison world, our on again-off again phase, the merge, my father showing up at your house, and you turning your humanity off, I haven't really had the time to date."

I let go of a soft laugh, twisting on to my back and sinking my head back into the pillow.

"God, it's never a dull day with us, is it?"

Kai gave a chuckle in response, propping himself onto his elbow so our eyes could connect again.

"So, do you have any questions?" He asked with an almost smug grin.

I hummed, eyeing the ceiling as I considered my inquiries.

"What are we doing?"

"Dinner. Drinks." He nodded. "Home. Sex." He added under his breath.

I gave a roll of my eyes, weakly flicking my wrist out to give a light slap on his arm. He chuckled playfully in response, giving me a cheeky grin.


"Nice little Italian place just outside of town." He answered.



I felt my lips start to tug up as I gave him an impressed nod. "Very good." I smiled. "You pass."

"Didn't know it was a test."

"Everything's a test." I teased. "Everything."

His eyes playfully rolled as he grabbed onto my waist and pulled me into his arms, squeezing my body tight into his chest.

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