eighty eight: friends (part 1)

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On the fifteenth of August at exactly three minutes past eleven, I received my acceptance letter to study at Whitmore College.

On the fifteenth of August at exactly seven minutes past eleven, Caroline had burst into my house, letter in hand, squealing. She threw herself into my arms with such force that I almost toppled over and didn't stop giggling with excitement for almost five full minutes.

After that she'd spent the whole day at my house, talking about majors, and parties, and apartments. Caroline had been pretty sure she was ditching her drama major and wanted to find out more about journalism. I'd still not decided, but had interests in journalism as well as English Lit.

As far as the living situation went, we essentially had three options. Firstly, move in with Elena and Bonnie. Secondly, live just the two of us. Thirdly, get our own separate places. Neither of were really against any of the three options, however, after a while of talking we began leaning towards getting our own places.

We'd be on campus anyway, so we'd always be close by - but this way we'd have a little space whenever we needed it. And besides, I wasn't particularly keen on the idea of always acting as third wheel to Caroline and Stefan. As sweet as they were, I didn't need to be around to witness every moment of their relationship.

Of course with Caroline, no good news could come without a celebration. I'd managed to talk her down from a party to a celebration at The Grill, but only by promising that she could throw a gigantic party for my birthday just a couple weeks later.

I hadn't been sure I wanted a party just a few weeks ago, but Caroline had done an admirable job of talking me around. And besides, I wasn't quite as low as I had been then. Sure - I still hurt at times, but I was healing.

I'd filled the last few weeks with my friends, trying to do something with at least one of them most days. And now even when I was alone, I was finding it much less difficult.

The only thing I'd still not been brave enough to do, was to see Kai.

Caroline had brought it up a few weeks ago, and I'd said maybe - but had managed to put it off ever since. And not because I didn't want to see him - because I really did. I was just terrified that the moment I saw him, my progress would be knocked back to square one. And I just couldn't go back to that place again.

I couldn't spend another week lying in bed, crying myself to sleep, wondering where it all went wrong.

Making enough plans to fill my time so that I never had an opportunity to meet him worked well for me until we began deciding who to ask for our celebration at The Grill the following evening. We'd listed Damon, Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler, and Enzo at first. I'd added Amy Anderson to the list, who I'd met for a catch-up drink the week prior. Caroline had looked anxious when I asked her if there was anyone else who she wanted to ask.

I knew instantly it was Kai's name she wanted to say.

A nervous knot looped in my chest, but with a small sigh, I told her that we should ask him along. And even more dauntingly - I said that I'd go over to his apartment to invite him. I figured that no matter how frightened I was of facing him, it was far better to see him for the first time in private rather in a bar full of people.

No matter how logical the decision was, however, it didn't make my heart thump any slower as I stood in front of his door. In front of the door that used to open up to the place I'd called home.

I pulled in a long deep breath as my knuckles connected with the wood, giving it a quick knock. A few moments later, I heard quiet footsteps behind the door, pulling closer to me with each minute. The closer the steps drew, the harder my heart hammered, and clammier my palms became. God, what had I gotten myself into?

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