ten: alcohol

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tw: this chapter contains some scenes of a sexual nature, especially towards the end

A deep sigh pushed through my nostrils as I dragged my eyes over to the witch who was perched beside me on the sofa. The smirk painted on his face was beginning to grind my teeth, as I threw him an irritated glare.

Dirty looks, however, didn't diminish his garish grin as he continued to dig his hand into a bag of pork rinds that were rapidly diminishing. He would even produce an inexplicable titter to himself every few minutes, despite not having said anything.

This had been going on all day.

"Fine." I grunted. "I'll bite. What is the smug look all about?"

Kai's grin deepened as he lifted his eyes from the pork rinds and let them fall into mine with a mischievous look.

"What look?" He chuckled, trying to covey an innocence which was completely unbelievable.

"That look!" I exclaimed, pointing to his still obnoxious expression.

He giggled lightly, pressing his teeth into his lower lip as his deep blue eyes connected with mine. His arms crossed tightly across his chest as he forced his brows to knit in faux confusion.

"It's just my face."

"No." I countered with a scowl. "I have had the misfortune of staring at your face every day for weeks now, and that is not your usual face. You're doing a smug self-satisfied little smirk."

He rolled his eyes, popping another chip into his mouth with a loud crunch.

"I'm smug all the time." He grinned.

The corners of my mouth began to twist into a smile as I scoffed lightly.

"True." I chortled. "But even more so today. And you're like a little schoolgirl giggling away to yourself."

My arguments were just met with more giddy laughter, his smirk never fading.

"Come on, Kai." I wined, picking a cushion from behind me and beginning to smack him with it. "If you don't tell me, I'll beat you to death." I giggled, playfully hitting him as he held his arms over his head as a shield.

I continued to slam the pillow against him with playful hits until our fits of laughter ricocheted around the room. I finally began to giggle so hard that my sides burned with happy agony. Quickly seizing power in my moment of weakness, Kai managed to pry the pillow from my fingers and throw it across the room, therefore neutralising me as a threat.

With my weapon of choice now absent, I soon reverted back to whining.

"Are you going to tell me now?"

His lips parted to expose his pearly teeth through a wide grin as he eyed me. Faint dimples appeared on his smooth cheeks, and joyful lines crinkled around his eyes. And even though he was irritating, I couldn't help but notice how much more attractive the happy lines looked on his face, rather than the deep crevasses that formed with his resentful scowls.

Finally deciding to entertain my curiosity, he allowed his eyes to flick down to my mouth. Then with his smirk never faltering, he raised a ringed finger and softly tapped it against his own lips.

I sighed through my nostrils as I cocked my head, giving Kai a look of caution, which only enhanced his grin even further.

My skin started to burn with an uncomfortable flush as I eyed him, and my heart was fluttering beneath my ribs in a sickening way that made me want to gouge it from my chest. However, trying to appear calm and collected, I swallowed back my embarrassment and began to protest the witch.

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