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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter Four

Your mother had returned with the pills and you eagerly took them. Your heat was finally put at ease but you still missed the next few days of school. You also hadn't talked to Bakugo since that night even though he blew up your phone.

Instead you busied yourself by texting your other classmates and catching up on missed class work. Urakaka had dropped off the assignments earlier that day, and even though you were suffering from your heat, you still felt uncomfortable being around others. Now everyone in your class knew you were an omega. Including Eijiro Kirishima.

The red-haired boy was one of the alphas in class. He was a kind hearted soul with the heart of a warrior. His quirks allowed him to be the perfect bulldozer or the perfect shield. He was strong, but his quirk was not flashy. That didn't mean he wasn't capable of being a good alpha.

Although she had her heart set on the explosive blond, she wondered if Kirishima would be ashamed at being with her.

You remembered his first worry text.

Are you okay?

It was so simple but for some reason you felt like he really wanted to know if you were okay. You two weren't best friends, but you've been paired up a few times during training exercises so you couldn't help but build some type of friendship.

(Y/N), are you an omega?

You were hesitant on whether you should answer him. Would he tell the others you told him directly? Would Bakugo be upset if he knew you were texting him? Was Kirishima interested in you?

I am.

You saw those three little dots indicating that he was going to reply. It appeared and disappeared for the last hour, and you wondered if you made a mistake.

Finally, the small ding alerted you to the long awaited response.


Huffing in annoyance, you threw your phone onto your bed, pacing back and forth feeling quite frustrated by the disappointing response. But what were you expecting? Him to proclaim his love for you so you could shoot him down? You shake your head from those thoughts. That was a drama waiting to happen...although...if she started showing interest in the red headed alpha, maybe her alpha would stop playing around and finally come out and claim her in front of the others.

Jealousy was never a great characteristic to have, but alphas were full of it. They were extremely territorial and highly possessive and you knew if you did this, then you risked the potential of starting an Alpha fight between the two best friends.

You decided to leave it alone for now. The first thing you needed to do was focus on getting over this heat. The sooner you do that, the sooner you can get back to school.

After five days, you finally felt well enough to stop taking the pills. You decided to get some air as you step out into the backyard; the crispy summer air felt wonderful against your flushed cheek.

Since your heat, you felt not only your physical body change, but your mental and emotional state as well. A long with the plumper breast and wider hips, you also felt an overcoming sensation of need and desire. What did that mean exactly? You craved an alpha. You craved the attention of someone who would be dedicated to taking care of and protecting you. Not only did you want to please them, but every fiber in your being made you want to serve and submit to a strong and sturdy alpha.

But not just any alpha.

"Finally you decide to show your face," you hear a gruff voice beside you.

Snapping your eyes up, you saw Katsuki Bakugo standing behind the small fence that separated the two backyards. He was wearing a black tank top and shorts, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he casually glared over at you. His scent was powerful but not overwhelming, and you couldn't help but admire his muscles and the sweat that was apparent on his face and chest. Did he just get done working out?

You opened your mouth to speak, but you didn't have anything to say. You were still upset with him, and the last time you spoke you were exposed and orgasming to him on camera.

"Cat got your tongue? Why haven't you been responding to my messages," he asks you heatedly and you glance at him.

"I don't know," you answer dumbly.

He huffs and walks closer to the fence. His nose tipping up into the air to inhale deeply. "Looks like your heat's going away. Are you returning to school soon or is your old man keeping you home forever."

You find yourself crossing your arms. "My old man is just looking out for me. Better than most," you mumble the last part.

"What did you say?" He miffs, placing both hands on the fence as if he would jump over it any minute. He could if he wanted too. The puny fence was nothing in comparison to what Bakugo could do. He could jump over the whole house using his quirk, you saw him do it at the sport festival.

You tried to stand your ground. "I don't know what you want from me. I'm already going through enough," you cry, your emotions more unstable.

His glowered face turns into one of confusion. "The fuck?" He murmurs at seeing your sad and overwhelmed face. Every fiber in his body told him to comfort you, to make you feel better, because as an alpha that was his job. But not only were you new to such feelings, Bakugo was too, and he hid is confusion by saying, "Look, I don't know what your going through but you need to get over it. Crying won't fix anything. It was just a stupid heat."

The words he spoke stung, and you hang your head with shame. You were supposed to be training to be a hero. Just because you were born an omega didn't mean you have to be as weak as one. But you couldn't help with what was in your DNA, and you wished he would understand that.

"I'll just go then," you sniff before turning around to walk back into the house.

"No!" You hear him grunt. "Damn it," he growls before you hear a thud behind you. Suddenly two strong arms wrap around your body, causing the hair on your back to stand up and your whole body on high alert. "I didn't mean it like that, shit."

It felt so good to be back in his arms, but you were still mad at him. You stayed silent as he spun you around, grabbing your face in his hand. "Little brat, you weren't supposed to start your heat so soon. You got me going crazy over here. I can't stop thinking about you, and it's getting harder to concentrate at school. That damn Deku is getting closer to my level, I need to stay focused if I'm going to be number one!"

You bite your lip to stop it from quivering. You wanted him more than anything, but you also didn't want to take him away from his goals. These were modern times where people weren't only defined by their birth dynamic. New technology made it possible for omegas and alphas to co exist without incidents from instinctual actions. Back in the past, if you had started your heat in class, Bakugo would have fought the alphas to the death for the right to mate you then and there.

Therefore, you needed to put your desires aside to ensure it didn't get in the way of Bakugo's goals. Even if that meant sacrificing your own. Not only did you care about him as your alpha, but as your best friend too.

You lean into his touch. "I'm sorry. I won't be a problem anymore."

His eyes narrow down at you. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I think we should break up."

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