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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 29

With your heat at its peak, the monster was taken down, Kirishima brought you to your apartment. He helped you to bed where you vigorously began to throw your pillows and blankets onto the floor.

The alpha stepped back, giving you your space as you got to work at making your nest. Every omega needed to make one while they were in heat, it was in their instinct.

Kirishima leaves the room to scope out your apartment, grabbing pillows, blankets, and snacks to bring to you.

"I've never done this before, but I hope these help," Kirishima says, placing the items down beside you.

You give him a grateful smile before snatching the pillows and moving them around. "Thank you, I don't know why I just have these urges to organize the nest this way."

"Is there anything else you need?" He asks timidly, looking around unsure.

You shake your head, placing the snack beside the nest as you tucked yourself underneath a blanket. Kirishima nods before standing and making his way towards the door.

You watched him with wide eyes, sitting up. "Wait! Aren't you going to join me?" You ask him and he turns his head around quickly.

He pointed to himself as if asking "me?" Before excitedly beginning to strip his clothes off and making a mad dash towards you.

You couldn't help but let out a giggle at his silliness, lifting up the blanket to allow him to snuggle in next to you. He lets out a low and deep sigh, his arms wrapping around you as you laid against his chest.

"Wow, this is amazingly comfortable," he compliments, closing his eyes.

You hummed while tracing your finger along his chest. "Why did you want to become a hero, Ejiro?" You ask, realizing that you had never asked him that question before.

His eyes open and he looks down at you. "It's a long story," he replies.

You give him a smile and lean up to kiss his lips. "I have time."

Kirishima smiles before telling you about his middle school years.

You couldn't help but smile brightly at listening to his childhood.

It was then that you knew things were going to be alright.

It's not moving on, it's moving forward.


The week passed by in a blur. You and Kirishima had an endless amount of sex, quenching your heat at its best. To not look suspicious, Kirishima went to work during the day and returned to you at night.

He brought you food, flowers, and even some bath bombs to help you relax. It's become a steady routine, and you've felt better than you have in months.

It was the last day of your sick leave when Kirishima came through the door with a box of chocolate and some sushi. "Honey! I'm home!" He cheerfully calls and you smile to yourself, walking out of the bedroom to greet him.

"Is that food?" You hummed, walking over to grab the containers from him.

"Of course, I couldn't let my mate starve," he grins a big toothy smile, reaching for you to give you a smooth kiss on the lips.

"I appreciate you!" You giggle, taking it to your table to sit down and start eating. Kirishima joins you, handing you some chopsticks. "How's work? Any leads?" You ask him, popping food into your mouth.

Kirishima begins to eat, his eyes cast downwards as if he was thinking about what to say. "No, I'm pulling the agency out of the investigation."

You stilled your movements, snapping your eyes up at him. "What, why?"

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