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His Best Kept Secret

Chapter 33

A loud knock aroused Todoroki from his slumber. "Shoto! A new monster has emerged!"

The hero jumps to his feet, pushing his grogginess and aching neck from sleeping on his desk away. He was going to find the one responsible today, he was sure of it.

Shoto was on the scene within minutes, this time what looked to be a deranged wild tiger was set loose near a grade school. It was huge, with weird stripe patterns and abnormal antlers attached to the giant cat's head.

"They're getting uglier!" His sidekick, Sun Blaze, shouts as he uses a fireball to push a car out of the way from getting smashed by one of the beast's paws.

"Get the civilians to safety!" Shoto orders before using his ice to block the tiger monster from attacking the school.

It let out a roar as it slipped from the ice, turning its attention to Shoto. The hero glares at the disgusting beast, daring for the challenge. But Todorki wasn't interested in defeating the monstrous thing but finding the villain behind these disfigured beasts. The tiger charged towards him, and Shoto jumped out of the way just in time to avoid a swipe from its powerful claws.

"Come here kitty, kitty," Shoto calls, smirking as it growls at him. As it lunged again, he used a large blast of fire to scorch its fur and made it yowl in pain. Just then, he saw a flash of black from around a building, memories of last night played in his head.

Using an ice wall, he surrounded the tiger in an ice prison, before rushing off to follow the mysterious figure.

As he rounded the corner, he started to hear voices and he paused, his back pressed tightly against the wall to listen.

"Shoto Agency is on the scene," A rough and robotic voice speaks out.

"Damn, they're faster than anticipated. They're catching on quickly," Another voice says and Todoroki peers around to catch a glimpse of a tall man with white hair and sunglasses, dressed in a tan trench coat. In front of the man was the figure from last night.

Shoto's eyes widen as he realizes these two were the villains behind this mess! He finally found them!

"We need more destruction! The scene is not perfect!" The old man growls.

"Freeze!" Todoroki exclaims, his teeth bared as he rounds the corner. His ice shoots out to capture them, but the black figure turns and uses his weapon to blast the ice away.

Before he knew it, the old man escaped while the masked figure guarded him. So this was the pet while the other was the mastermind.

"Surrender now or you'll be forcefully taken in," Shoto demands, his left side going up in flames in a warning.

The masked figure crouched low, preparing for the fight.

Focusing his fire, Shoto ignited a large fireball and sent it directly towards the stranger. He dodges out of the way, flipping to the side and sending an energy blast his way.

Shoto blocked it with his ice, pressing his foot forward to send a massive but controlled wall of ice around the figure.

But he anticipated the move and once again, used the energy source to escape the icy prison. The person acted like they've fought Shoto before.

"Damn it," Todoroki growls, deciding that the stranger was too fast for his long-range attacks. He was never fond of close combat, but it seemed this was the only way.

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