45 🍑

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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 45

After returning to Todoroki and Ochaco, you all decided it was time to turn in for the night.

"I had a lot of fun," you tell the brunette as you hug her tightly.

"We need to do it again," she chirps, pulling away.

"Take care," Izuku says to you, giving you a small hug.

You nod sharply, not making eye contact with him.

"Thank you again for inviting us," Todoroki says from beside you, wrapping his coat around your frame.

They turned and began walking home, and you and Todoroki turned towards your home too. "No limo?" you question him, and he gives you a smirk.

"We're not too far from home. Do you wish for me to call my driver?"

Shaking your head, you leaned into his shoulder, holding onto his arm for comfort. "I don't mind walking; it's a nice night."

It was indeed a nice night. The moon was high in the sky; the air was excellent with a breeze, signaling winter coming. The roar of the city life was fading as you made your way into the more of the countryside. The soft crickets' sound felt like a gentle song that danced around the two of you. After walking a few miles, the two of you came to a small pond, the moonlight bouncing off the small waves the fountain in the middle created.

"I need to take these shoes off," You comment, leaning against the railing around the pond. You slipped the shoes off, massaging your feet gently.

"Here," Shoto says softly before kneeling and taking your foot into his hand. He rubbed the soreness the shoes had created from walking. "I can still call my driver."

"I'll be fine after resting a few moments," you tell him, pulling your foot away. "Have you ever wanted to go to the moon?" You ask, glancing up at the bright rock in the sky.

"A wasteland of dust and rock?" He quirks an eyebrow, brushing his hair out of his face. "It hasn't crossed my mind."

"It may be a big rock, but it's lovely," You sigh, gazing up at it in awe.

Grabbing your hand, Todoroki leads you over to the pond, lifting you so your feet wouldn't get dirty. "What are you doing!?" You exclaim with a giggle, holding onto him.

"I've got a more beautiful place to be," he breathes into your ear.

You look up in wonder as his foot pressed into the water, a sheet of ice spreading across the water and creating a beautiful crystal ice lake.

"Wow," you say before you were being lifted and sliding across the ice. "Woah!" You shout as your feet find Shoto's, and he begins to skate around the ice, holding your waist tightly.

The feeling was exhilarating as he swung you around the ice, the cool wind in your hair. "This is incredible!" You cheer as he turns you around and begins to skate around the now frozen water fountain. Holding your waist and one of your hands, Todoroki glides around skillfully like a figure skater.

Right where the reflection of the moon was, he skids to a stop, twirling you around while the both of you laughed so carefree. When you finally came to a halt, you wrapped your arms around his neck, your laughter dying down as you gazed up at him.

The two of you stared deeply into each other's eyes. His multicolored eyes glanced down at your lips, and you subconsciously licked them.

"So beautiful," he muttered, his hand coming up to brush your cheek.

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