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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 30

A few weeks have passed since your heat, and life was slowly going back to normal. No monsters have surfaced, and work was as usual as it gets. Kirishima and you continued to keep your relationship a secret, hardly seeing each other during the day.

You were just finishing up some paperwork when Mina knocked on your door. Looking up, her pink hair bounces as she walks into your office.

"Hey, girl! Whatcha doing tonight?" The charismatic hero asks you, plopping right into the chair in front of your desk.

"Tonight? Soba and Netflix," You answer, signing your name on the last paper. "What about you?"

Mina gives you a bright smile. "Well, I was thinking we could go out and try that new club on main! I heard they have flaming jello-shots!"

You grimaced and shook your head. "I don't know..."

Mina scoffs and waves her hand at you. "Come on silly! You never go out anymore! It would be good for your health!" She juts her lip out and bats her eyelashes at you. "Please Y/N!"

You stared at her, never seeing her be so desperate to get you out before. Finally, you broke down. "Fine, I'll come," you gave in.

She squeals and jumps into the air. "Yay! I'll pick you up at nine!" Before she scampered out the door. You couldn't help but laugh and shake your head after her.


True to her word, Mina picked you up at nine. Pulling up to the club, you messed with your hair, unsure of how you looked. It had been so long since the last time you dressed up. The club was full, but Mina showed the bouncer her VIP cards and he let us in. Perks to being heroes.

"Come on! Let's go take some shots!" Mina pulls you to the bar where she ordered drinks for the two of you. Across the bar, your eyes landed on Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari. He was here too?

"Oh, the boys are here!" Mina says cheerfully, grabbing your drink and motioning for you to follow her. You follow and lock eyes with Kirishima who gives you a small smile.

"Woah, is that Y/N I see?" Kaminari boasted, lifting his drink to you.
You smile in return. "Has it been that long?" You question, taking a sip of your drink.

"We haven't been out much ourselves, tonight seems like a fitted night!" Sero clapped, his eyes looking around the room.

"I've been dying to get out for a while now!" Mina chirped. "This pro-hero business takes no breaks!"

"That is what we signed up for," Kirishima comments, giving Mina raised eyebrows.

She rolls her eyes at him. "I know silly, I'm just saying it's nice to have a break every once in a while. Don't you agree Y/N?"

Everyone turned toward you, awaiting your answer. You look up, realizing the attention was on you. Clearing your throat, you spoke. "It is nice to get out."

"See!" Mina responded. "You boys need to find some ladies in your lives!"

You immediately look up at Kirishima who casually gives you a glance before smiling back at Mina. "What about you huh? You and that beta still seeing each other?"

Mina gives Kirishima a smirk. "Hell no, that relationship is long gone." She waves her pink hands dramatically. "He was too into himself!"

Sero leaned over to Kaminari and muttered, "Sounds familiar." Kaminari snickers while Mina gives him a stink face.

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