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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter Two

You sat in the office of Recovery Girl, panting and clutching your body as you clenched your legs tightly together. You've never felt such an overwhelming sense of lust and sexual desire. Sure you've felt horny when cuddling with Bakugo, but you've never gotten past second base!

"P-please! A-alpha!" You cry pathetically, squirming in the bed they placed you in.

"She's going into heat. Have you contacted her parents?" Aizawa asked Recovery Girl who was placing a syringe onto the table.

"They are on the way. Meanwhile, this should help suppress her heat. You didn't tell me you had an omega in the classroom," she scowls towards the pro-hero teacher.

"It's the 21st century. Omegas are allowed to do anything they want," he answers calmly, crossing his arms.

She injected the serum into your arm and you feel a cooling feeling  wash over your body. You were finally able to relax, the lustful fire inside you was slowly beginning to become extinguished.

"That may be true, but they still have risks. How many alphas do you have in the class? Not to mention yourself," she remarks, shaking her head.

He looked appalled. "I would never be with a student!" He ruffles his scarf. "And normally omegas don't start their heats till at least their second year."

Recover Girl scratches her chin as she stares down at the sleeping omega. "Does she have a boyfriend or something?"

Aizawa raises an eyebrow. "(L/N)? Not that I know of. Although she seems rather close with Midoriya."

"Midoriya isn't an alpha is he?"

Aizawa shakes his head.

Shrugging her little shoulders, Recovery Girl ushers the teacher out of the room. "Sometimes omega's heats can start early if they have already found their mate. If (Y/N) (L/N) isn't romantically involved with alpha, then I have no explanation as to why her heat would come early. It'll be best for her to stay home for a few days, for her protection as well as the other students."

You could faintly hear the teachers talking, and even though your heat was suppressed for now, your face still felt very flushed. Your relationship with Bakugo had caused you to go into heat early. You wondered what he was thinking right now, and your phone had been left in the classroom since you were in such a hurry to leave. Regardless of what he was thinking, you both were way too young to become fully mated. Not that you could imagine being with anyone else, but because then everyone would know for sure, and you didn't want that to be a distraction for both of you and your studies.

Turning away from the teachers, you hug yourself tightly. The only person you wanted right now, was not safe to be around. Your scent alone could start not only start a rut in Bakugo, but in other alphas as well. That could mean your classmates hurting one another, and if you knew your boyfriend, he wouldn't hold back in dominating others.

You would have to keep your distance for now.


After your parents picked you up, your dad carried you to your room, a scowl on his face.

"How could this have happened?" He remarks to his wife.

"She's an omega dear..."

"I know that!" He snaps, placing you on the bed. "But she's only fifteen. I swear if it's because of that foul mouth Bakugo nextdoor—"

"Honey he's a sweet boy," your mother defends.

"Sweet my ass, did you see how he was at the sports festival? He'll eat her up alive."

"He's not that bad dad," you tried to reason with him. "He is going to be a great hero one day."

"Being a pro-hero is a profession. That does not mean he'll be a good alpha to you!" He replies harshly.

"He cares for me, more than you know!" You cry, feeling yourself become overwhelmed.

Your father shakes his head. "No, from now on, I forbid you to see him!"

"Dad!" You shout as you sit up straight.

"Honey, don't you think you're being a bit harsh? Besides they are classmates and have been best friends since grade school," your mother insisted.

Tears stream down your face. "Dad, he means so much to me! I'll never forgive you if you do this!"

He looks down at you for a split second, as if contemplating. He was not an alpha himself, but he worked with them every day. He knew how vicious they could be. The Bakugo family was abrasive, especially the wife and son. But they were also good people.

Pointing a finger down at you, he narrows his eyes. "Fine, but you're staying in this room till your heat is over. Meanwhile, I don't want him sniffing around here. You better text or whatever you kids do these days and let him know."

But before you could tell him that you didn't have your phone, he turns and walks out of your room.

You whimper and hide your face into the pillow. Your heat was coming back, the drug Recovery Girl gave you was slowly wearing off. All you wanted was to snuggle up to Bakugo and hold him close. And you knew in a few hours, you'll be wanting so much more from him.

"I'll bring some suppressants as soon as they're ready from the pharmacy," you hear your mom say before a cold towel touches the back of your neck.

"I need to talk to him mom, he'll wonder if I'm okay," you cry gently.

Your mom smiles down at you and before she could respond, you hear the doorbell. "It looks like you are right. Let me get down there before your dad does."

Meanwhile, your father opened the door to a stone face Katsuki Bakugo, your backpack slung lazily over his shoulder. Your father puffs his chest out, as if he were squaring up with the older teenager.

"Ah, Young Bakugo. You can't see her," he says coldly, glaring down at him.

Bakugo holds in a scoff as he stares up at his girlfriend's father. His red eyes flashing in annoyance. "I was just returning her bag Mr. (L/N)," he grumbles, holding it out to him.

Mr. (L/N) looks at him skeptically before grabbing it. "Do you know?" He questions.

"I can smell her all the way from the school. Of course I know," he responds through clenched teeth, his fist balled into fist as he tries to remain in control. Your scent was wafting through the house, and when the door opened it hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Then you know to stay away from her," your father warns, crossing his arms to be intimidating.

"Tch, whatever." He turns on his heels, hands stuffed into his pockets, making his way back to his house.

You hear your bedroom door open and hear a soft plop before it closes again. A certain smell leaks into your room, causing you to sit up and see your backpack sitting by your door. You quickly move to retrieve it, opening it up quickly and emptying its contents onto your bed. The first thing that fell out was your phone followed by your books and journals. But the one time that surprised you was a school uniform shirt. But not just any uniform shirt, but Katsuki Bakugo's shirt.

You squeal in delight, grabbing the article of fabric and bringing it to your nose. You inhale deeply, shuddering at how amazing good it smelled. Suddenly your body began to heat up once again, the drug officially wearing off. You grab your phone and open it to dozens of text messages from multiple people including Urakaka, Midoriya, Kirishima, and of course, Bakugo.

You clicked on his name immediately.

Katsuki ❤️
Hey Brat, call me when you get this.

You contemplated if you should or not. It would at least be another hour before your mother would return with the suppressant pills.

After another second of thought, you clicked on the phone icon.

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