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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 21

10 Years Later

The sound of a scream could be heard as a giant monster crashed into the bridge, sending people running in fear of their lives. You were on the scene immediately, using your quirk to make the cars lighter so citizens could push past them easier.

"Quickly evacuate the bridge! More Pro-Heros are on the way!" You shout, usher the people to quickly leave.

The giant monster looked like a beast with dark red fur and sharp ugly teeth and straight out of a Japanese horror monster movie. The beast spotted you and turned his attention to a large pillar that was part of the bridge.

"Shit," you muttered under your breath as he launched the pillar at you. Using one of your support pieces, you take a small marble and throw it towards the pillar, using your quirk at the last second to make the ball as heavy as a truck. It slams into the pillar and sends it flying towards the monster, hitting it and making it stumble back away from the bridge.

"Any Day now," You mutter into your communication device.

"Hold your horses, we're coming," the rough voice of Dynamight says back to you.

Sure enough, you heard the roar of a speeding car, your mate and alpha, Kartsuki Bakugo dressed in his hero costume stood on the hood, his lips spread into a wide grin as his eyes zoned in on the villain.

"YOUR DEAD YOU BASTARD!" He shouts as Red Riot slams on the breaks, launching Dynamight into the air and towards the monster.

Using his quirk, Bakugo propels through the air, causing explosions to happen around the monster's face.

The thing roars and tries to swipe at the pro-hero but misses barely. Bakugo lands on the beast's face, his grande warming up as he releases a powerful explosion. "DIEEEE!" He shouts as fire erupts around him.

The monster cries out and falls backward, making the earth shake from its weight.

"That's the fourth monster this month," You say to Red Riot and Cellophane who jump out of the car.

"Someone is definitely behind this," Red Riot comments, looking around at the destruction.

"Whatever it is, we need to start to clean up and rescue!" Cellophane says as he runs over to a few people who were injured.

Looking at Red Riot, you both nod before getting to work.


After the destruction was over, the beast was taken into custody. You were couched down helping a family that had minor injuries when Dynamight approached you.

You stood up and faced him, a smile dancing on your lips. "You did well out there hero," you complimented, punching his arm playfully.

He smirks and nods to the people you helped. "You too, the hero Destiny, is always at the right place at the right time."

"You know what they say," You joked, walking closer to him. You leaned closer to his ear and whispered. "I always cum at the best time."

Dynamight's face blushes deeply under his black mask and he shakes his head. "Doing anything later?" He mutters to you, trying to keep his voice down.

You couldn't help but feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach. "I could be," you winked before turning away and continuing your work.

Dynamight smirks before turning and leaving to meet with the police chief and Red Riot.

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