38: The Truth

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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 38

"We got another monster downtown!" A police officer shouts, running up to Dynamight and Red Riot.

Dynamight looks down at his phone, noticing the time. "Shit, I told Y/N I would be there soon," he stressed.

"Go, man, we can handle it," Red Riot says, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Hell no, I'm going to kill this monster, and then I'll go. It'll be a piece of cake!" He declares.

They nod to each other before jumping in the car and zooming towards downtown, Cellophane and the sides kicking trailing behind.

Once they got to the scene, they saw the giant spider-like beast, attacking the streets. People screamed in fear as they ran for their lives. "Let's squash this bug!" Dynamight boasts, clenching his gloved fist.

They jump out of the car and run towards the monster, initiating a fight. But Bakugo was hesitant on using his quirk, the buildings and civilians were too close, and this wasn't a mock city in U.A.

"Shit! We need to get these damn people out of the way! Damn it!" He bites through his teeth.

Just then, the spider-like beast jabs its arms into the building, climbing up the side before burrowing into the building, sending glass towards the ground. Cellophane uses his tape to grab a mother and child and drags them out of the way. "Get to safety!" He demands, pushing them in the direction of the officers.

"We need to get in there!" Kirishima growls. "The people need to evacuate!"

Dynamight assesses the situation. "Cellophane, get the stupid sidekicks and get those people out of the building. Shitty hair, you're with me!"

Red Riot nods and follows Bakugo into the building. They hit the stairs, running as fast as they could while dodging people.

"Keep your eyes peeled; the damn thing could be anywhere!" Dynamight shouts.

They made it to the 30th floor before they heard a crash down the hall followed by screams. The two heroes immediately stop and head in the direction. The spider beast was crashing through walls chasing a couple of people. Red Riot hardened his body before running straight into the beast, slamming it against the wall.

Dynamight changes the settings on his hand weapons, lifting them and pointing them at the monster. "STUN GRENADE!" He shouts as his quirk emits a bright blinding light.

The spider monster cries out and thrashes around, using its long arm to swipe at Red Riot. The pro is sent towards Dynamight, who catches him. Then before they could react, the spider strikes at them again, sending them barreling down to the basement of the building.

As the dust clears, Dynamight groans as he moves to stand up, looking around for Red Riot. "Kirishima!" He called, and the rubble began to move a few feet beside him.

Red Riot emerges; his hardening quirk saves him from being injured. "I'm good, you alright, man?"

Dynamight moves his shoulder that was sore, popping it back into place. "Yeah, I'm good. We need to get back up there!"

Just then, a pair of clapping hands was heard, causing both of the heroes to turn towards the darkness.

Out stepped a man dressed in classic movie director attire, his sunglasses small and circled. "I have to admit, you two have caused quite the stir with my movies," he chuckles.

"Shut the hell up, dumbass, and tell us who you are!" Dynamight demands, his fist lifting in defense.

"Why I'm the Movie Director, of course, but every director needs a producer. You, dear Hero, have just what it takes," he drags.

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