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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 22

A deep purr surrounds your body as you stir from your slumber. A hard chest is pressed against your back as sneaky hands run down your body. "Five more minutes," you grumble, trying to ignore the tingling sensation the hands left on your body.

"Your heat is going to be over soon, we might as well get a few more rounds out," a deep and husky voice replies, a pair of soft lips kissing your neck.

You laugh and enjoy the feeling of his arms around you, wishing you could stay in bed forever. "Alright, one more round," you breathed, turning in his arms to face him.

Only you were met with an empty cold bed. Your whole body freezes at the realization dawns on you. Never again were you going to be rudely awakened by Katsuki's wandering hands.

Clutching your pillow, you breathed in the scent, the scent of his alpha pheromone still lingered in the fabric. You began to cry, surprised you still had tears left.

Today was the funeral. A public event that sparked thousands of people to attend. Despite his brash personality, Dynamight was loved and valued by all. It was going to be hard, and since you were his mate, you were chosen to speak to his family, friends, and fans. But you wished you could lay in bed till death welcomed you as well.

When an Omega loses their blood-bonded alpha, they are unable to be with anyone else. Unless their alpha shares a blood oath with another alpha, they are going to spend the last years of their life never being able to fully love someone else again.

An omega who lost her mate was as good as dead.

But as a pro, you couldn't do that. You knew that wouldn't be what he wanted.

Dressed in black, you stepped down the stairs where you were greeted by your families. Your mother had tears streaming down her face as she looked at the high school photos of you and Bakugo.

Mitsuki and Masaru stood by, looking down at a photo of when Katsuki was a toddler.
"This was taken right after his quirk manifested. He was so excited," Mistsuki said lightheartedly.

"Are we ready?" You said abruptly, and their eyes fell on you.

"Oh honey!" Your mother cries, rushing to you.

But you held a hand out to stop her, trying to keep yourself together. "Please. I have a lot of people to speak in front of, and I cant--" You stopped yourself, trying desperately to keep it together.

They nodded in understanding, following you out the door where a limo was waiting for you.

The first part of the funeral was for immediate friends and family. It was closed off to the public and those attending needed special passes. Due to the injuries Bakugo sustained, they would be having a close casket.

As you walked through the doors of the temple, you were greeted by the solemn looks of your old classmates. All of 1-A had returned from various parts of Japan, wanting to be part of laying their classmates to rest. Even Sero who had suffered from three broken ribs and a fractured arm was present.

The U.A teachers were also present, including Aizawa and All Might in his smaller form and Best Jeanest was also present.

You couldn't look at any of them as you walked closer to the casket. In the front row was Kirishima, his eyes casted downwards as his face was filled with shame and guilt. Your heart turned at the sight of him, knowing he was the last person to be with Katsuki when he took his last breath.

Walking up to the casket, you placed your hand against the solid black wood, wishing and praying that he would jump out of there and yell "gotcha!"

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