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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 39

As your foot stepped out of the door of Red Riot Agency, your ears immediately were assaulted by the shrill screams of panicked pedestrians.

Your body freezes as you look down the road to see smoke coming from downtown. Behind you, the heroes spring into action, including Kirishima.

He runs up behind you, but you couldn't even look at him as you sprinted in the direction of the action.

As you approached the scene, you froze in your spot, your eyes widening as you looked up at a giant lizard monster, almost like...Godzilla!?

"Shit," you heard beside you, Red Riot glaring up at the monster. "This is the biggest one yet!"

Todoroki was already on the scene, sending a giant ice wall straight for the monster. It was huge, as tall as the skyscrapers. Where did such a big beast come from? You weren't dressed in your hero costume, but that wasn't going to stop you from trying to help.

What you really needed to do was to find Bakugo. As you begin to run off, Kirishima snags your arm and pulls you back. "What are you doing!?" He exclaims urgently. "You need to get to safety!"

You knew his alpha instincts were kicking into hard drive. After a heated fight and then now this monster attack, Kirishima's instinct was to get you someplace safe. But you weren't having any of it.

Yank your hand away from his, you glared at him. "I'm not going anywhere with you! Take care of the monster, I'm going to find Katsuki!"

You ran down the street, avoiding the panicked people while also instructing them to safety. You looked around to see where Katsuki could possibly be, but there were so many places he could be hiding. Suddenly, an idea pops in your head as you look up to the tall building beside you.

You'll see better if you get some height. Running into the building, you made your way to the stairs, taking a deep breath as you began your ascent.

While you went up the building, Red Riot joined Todoroki in stopping the monster.

Hardening his skin, Red Riot uses the ice wall and Cellophane's tape to propel him forward, slamming his fist into the beast's face and making it roar in pain. Kirishima lands on the ground, groaning at how his body ached. His pent up anger and frustration pushed him into recovering.

Todoroki lands beside him from a sheet of ice. "You are under arrest," he seethes coldly.

Kirishima glares back at him. "You are making a mistake. I have nothing to do with--" He couldn't finish as the beast let out a huge roar, swiping his tail along with the buildings. Rubbles, glass, and dust fly in different directions, causing loud smoke to crowd the streets.

Coughing, Krisihima wipes the dust from his face. "Shoto! Bakugo is being forced to work for the villain. If we can stop the Movie Director then we can save everyone!"

"Why should I believe you!?" Todoroki thunders, wiping the dust from his mouth and nose.

"Because I'm done lying. This is the truth! Y/N knows the truth! She's going to try and save him! But I don't know what state he'll be in. Bakugo could hurt her!"

"Damn it!" Todoroki growls, turning his attention back to the beast. "We need to take this one down first before we can deal with that!"

Kirishima nods, and they both turn back to fighting the giant lizard monster.

Meanwhile, you were panting as you finally made it to the top of the roof, looking around to see if Bakugo was anywhere in sight. Luckily for you, your eyes spotted two figures standing on the very building beside you. Squinting, you saw it was that man you ran into and the other figure was dressed in all black, the same outfit that Bakugo was wearing in the picture Todoroki sent you.

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