27 🍆

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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 27

Kirishima freezes at the sight before him. Y/N was lying lazily over her sofa, her hero costume pants discarded on the floor. Her hand was working her breast and rubbing her netherregions, her face flushed red and her hair a sweaty tangled mess.

Her eyes looked over at him and he expected her to shout, to scream at him to leave. He wanted to turn, to run and apologize profusely for invading her privacy.

But when the scent hit him, his nostrils flared, his eyes dilated. Y/N was in heat.

A low growl emitted from deep in his throat and he quickly turns to close the door, lifting a bookcase and pushing it in front of the door. He turns towards the omega, his eyes narrowing down at her with a listful hunger like a wolf hunting a sheep.

You on the other hand tried your best to remain in control, but your body withered and arched, seeking for some kind of friction. No matter how hard you tried, the instincts embedded in your DNA were screaming at you to mate with an alpha.

You thought you had locked the door as you tried to give yourself some sort of release, just until you made it home. But when Kirishima bursted through the door, you weren't sure if you felt embarrassed or relieved.

You wanted to stop...you begged your body to stop.

"Alpha," you moaned, your body practically forcing you to reach for Kirishima.

The red haired hero stalks forward, grabbing your outstretched hand and pulling you up to straddle his waist. His rut was pushing full force into his instincts.

In his right mind, this was a dream come true. To have you so close to him, begging for him.

He turns to the desk, holding you up with one arm, he uses his rock hard skin to throw the stuff on the desk onto the floor. He placed you down against the desk, ripping his mask off as he leaned down to give you a kiss.

You felt his lips press against yours and you waited for it to feel wrong. For your body to turn in disgust that this man was not your mate. But it did the exact opposite. The feelings of his lips made you feel complete, as if they were meant to be there.

You groan and grip his face, pulling him on top of you.


Bakugo growls deeply as he pulls at your blouse, making your costume rip from the sheer force. Your breast springs out and he hungrily begins to suck on them. He placed himself between your legs, laying above you on your desk.

"Please Alpha, I need you, " you moan loudly, your heat taking over your body. You desperately clawed at him, wanting his hands-on the floor.

"So eager  little omega, " he growls lowly and you mew in response.

"If you don't fuck me in the next few minutes, I swear to God ill never let you touch me!" you threaten, and he smirks down at you.

"I'd like to see you try, " he purrs before unzipping his pants.

You groan at the sight of his erection, throbbing and waiting to fill you up. You wiggle your hips, begging for him to take you.

He positions himself before sliding deep into you. Your body felt as though it was bursting at the seams; a wholesome and satisfying feeling filling you up.

"Fuck," he grunts as he pushes deeper into you. He was so thick and you felt as though you haven't been filled like this in ages.

You arch your back and lift your hips giving him the signal to start moving. He complies, sliding out before slamming back in. The feeling was so good, and you moaned shamelessly. You didn't care if the whole office heard you. All that mattered was this sexy alpha above you screwing your brains out.

"Please, faster!" you begged and he began to pick up the pace. Pounding into your pussy, he grunts as waves of pleasure run through him.

You whimpered at how amazing it felt. Like a cool crisp drink in the desert heat. You wanted-no craved more.

You found yourself really coming close to your orgasm and you ranked your nails down his arm.
He slammed into you deeper, his knots submerging into you as he let out a roar. Quickly he reaches down and bites your neck, the opposite side from his original mark.

The feeling pushed you over the edge and you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his flesh to your bare chest. "Oh Katsuki! I love you!"


Kirishima raises his head from your neck at your words. His body was shaking from the intense orgasm.

"I love you so much Katsuki, " you say again, your eyes widening as the haze of your heat began to subside. You felt the warm body leave you and you gaze up at the ceiling, realizing you were in your office. You had dreamed of him again. But why did you body feel so satisfied?

It was then that it dawned on you. Looking up you see Kirishma sitting on the floor, his eyes wide but his hair flat. Tears began to swell in his eyes, spilling over silently.

Your breathing picked up, looking down at your naked and exposed body. Gently, your finger lifted up to the bite mark that now graced your neck.

You just mated with Kirishima.

"Im so sorry Y/N! I'm so damn sorry!" he begins to pull at his face. "Im so sorry!"

You watched the Sturdy Hero slowly begin to crumble right before your eyes. Part of you wanted to scoff in disgust, claim he used you and took advantage of you. But the other part, the part that held your heart, decided to stand up, walk over to him and crouch down at his level.

Looking up between his tearful apology, you tenderly grasped his face, pulling his chin up towards you. Without saying anything, you press your lips firmly against his.

He was still for a moment before he began to melt into the kiss. You pushed him back till he was laying his back on the floor. You kissed him harder before pulling back. You straddled him and felt his still hard cock against your thigh.

You positioned yourself above him, sinking down on him making his head roll back and his sharp teeth to bare.

You moaned as the feeling in the pit of your belly began to stir once more. Krishima's strong hands gripped your hips, guiding you up and down.

You moved your hips at a steady pace, enjoying the feeling of his thick cock throbbing inside you.

You moved slowly and steadily, till both if you were aching for more. Grabbing your hips, Kirishima began to thrust up into you at an ungodly speed. You let out a loud moan, your head rocking back as your body vibrated.

He slammed into you one last time, his knot squeezing as another orgasm rocked his body. You groaned at the feeling, falling onto his chest.

You both pant, your face falling into his next. Emotion overcame you as you began to sob, clutching onto Kirishima for any source of comfort. The alphas wrap his strong arms around you holding you close and allowing you to cry into him.

The supplies from the desk were scattered around the room, including an old photo of you and Bakugo on the day of your graduation.

Wow guys! Already 7 chapters into part two! How are y'all feeling? I haven't had an authors note in a while. How are y'all enjoying the fast updates? Let me know what y'all really think!
So you and Kirishima huh? Guess all those rooting for Kiri in part 1 finally got your wish!
I hope you all are enjoying what we have so far and I can't wait to write more chapters.
Big shoutout to Maggie and Rae for helping with these past few days! Appreciate you girls so much!
Anyway, don't forget to vote and till next time
Lots of love

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