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His Best Kept Secret

Chapter 20

The day came when the two of you would return to school. Excitedly, you fixed Bakugo's tie before smoothing out his shirt.

He huffs in irritation as you continued to groom him. "You don't have to treat me like a baby, damn it!" He miffs while shaking his head.

You giggle and run your hands through his spikey hair. "This is our first day at being a mated couple, I want to make sure you don't look like you rolled out of bed."

He smirks back at you. "But I did," he snickers and you slap his shoulder playfully.

"Come on, we're going to miss the train," you say, grabbing his hand.

"Bye, mom, dad!" You call out to them.

"Bye you two!" Your mom says cheerfully.

"Goodbye Mr. L/N, Mrs. L/N," Bakugo calls back at them, smirking when your father glared over the cup of tea he was sipping.

You rolled your eyes, pulling him out of the house by his arm. "Do you have to do that?" You questioned.

Bakugo shrugs. "The old man's going to love me one day," he grumbles before snatching your hand.

When you finally arrived at the school, your heart rate began to pick up and you also noticed that Bakugo's hands were growing sweaty. "Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will be happy to see us!"

Bakugo scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, maybe you. But I'm the guy who ruined the dance."

"Everyone is probably past that," you reassured. But just as those words left your lips, you noticed a few business students glaring over in your direction. "Well, almost everyone."

"Whatever let's just get this over with," he barks, pulling you towards the front doors.

You walked through the halls, noticing a few students staring over in your direction. A simple glare from Bakugo sent them retreating into their own private gossip. Stepping into class 1-A, you were greeted by a cheerful Mina.

"Oh my gosh, you guys! I am so happy for you two!" She cheers as she throws an arm around you.

"Congratulations guys," Yaoyorozu says, her hands clasped together as she smiles brightly at the two of you.

"Man, I really thought I had a chance," Mineta scowls, tears pouring down his eyes.

"Give it a break grape boy, you never had a chance," Kamanari snickers.

"About time Bakubro! I'm was worried you were going to stay in the closet forever," Sero cackles.


You look towards the back of the class, seeing Todoroki peering over at the two of you with a frown. You felt so bad, especially after the sweet moments the two of you shared. A red-figure steps in front of you and you smiled as Krisihima gave you two big thumbs up.

"I'm glad it all worked out!" Kirishima grins, his sharp teeth flashing.

You give him a grateful smile. "Thanks to you," you say.

"Alright Y/N! I'm so happy for you!" Uraraka comments beside you.

"Yeah, it's nice you two finally made it official. We were all worried there for a bit," Midoroya says while scratching the back of his neck.

The rest of the class nodded in agreement.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, NERD!" Bakugo growls, his eyes twitching as he realized the whole class knew the whole time. "Shitty Deku!" He swears under his breath.

"QUIET!" Aizawa scowls from the classroom door. "Take your seats."

You quickly took your seat and met Aizawa's eye. "L/N, I'm glad to see you here."

You nodded in acknowledgment.

The class continued as normal, the news of you and Bakugo officially becoming mates had spread through the school, and alphas no longer found interest in the U.A omega. You received apologies from Tetsutesutesu for his behavior at the dance as well as a few other alphas.

It felt nice, being able to walk around with Bakugo right by your side.

"What was it like?" Toru asks you, poking your side.

"Come on man! Spill the beans!" Sero asks Bakugo from the other table.

You both could only smile at remembering the week of pure sexual bliss.

"Amazing." You both said.


At the end of the day, you walked out of the girl's locker room after a long and extensive workout. You walked over to the water fountain and filled your water bottle up with water when a figure approached you.

Turning to face the person, you see Todoroki walk up to you. Feeling nervous, you look around to see if anyone was around.

"Hey Todoroki," you say cautiously.

The two-toned boy lifts his hand up and forms a small ice rose. "This is to say I'm sorry. We should have never put you through so much stress. I also wanted to congratulate you on officially mating with Bakugo."

You swallowed thickly, accepting the rose you knew would melt in a few moments. "T-thanks, I'd like to also apologize if your feelings were hurt."

Todoroki nods his head. "I'll be alright. It was nice the times we've had. I won't forget them easily," he says softly smiling.

A throat being cleared brought both your attentions up to where Bakugo stood. "Ready to go?" He growls, his eyes never leaving the other alpha.

You nod shortly, leaving Todoroki and moving towards Bakugo quickly. The alpha grabs your face and bends down to kiss you aggressively, making you gasp and kiss him back furiously.

Todoroki remains neutral as he looks away from the kissing pair.

When Bakugo pulled away, he throws a smirk at Todoroki before wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "See ya Icy Hot," he comments before pulling you away.

"What am I going to do with you?" You mutter as you admired your mate.

"Love me?" He offers, the corners of his mouth pulling up into a smile.

That's exactly what you'll do.

*~*END OF PART 1*~*


Okay, I know what you are all thinking. That was very short and ended abruptly. But it's only because I can't wait to start on Part 2 of this story!

I do have to warn you if you would like to keep it in your mind that you and Bakugo had a happily ever after then I would end it here and not continue.

The next following chapters may be hard to read for those who are sensitive and emotional messes.

BUT if you like drama, angst, and plot twists, then I would continue onto part 2.

With that being said, I do hope to see yall reading the future chapters! Thank you so much for the support and I'm glad I was able to give you guys a cool story to read!

*updated note**

Hey y'all, so I am in need of a beta for this story. I need someone I can bounce my ideas off of and also help me edit my chapter to make sure they make sense! The only rules I have is that you are above the age of 18, and that you live in the United States! So our hours of communication are the same! If you interested please shoot me a message! Thank you!

Till next time
Lots of love

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