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His Best Kept Secret

Chapter 19

Since Bakugo and you have completed your bond, your father hasn't spoken to you. Both Bakugo suspension and your leave of absence were a week long. During this time, Bakugo and you mated a dozen times. Both your parents left the two of you alone, figuring you both would need time to adjust to the new experience.

"We're leaving to go visit with your grandmother. There's food in the fridge. We just ask you guys to leave the...mating, in your bedroom," Your mother smirks. You cracked the door open to speak to her, Bakugo was passed out in the nest you had created on the floor.

"Okay mom, thank you!" You say with appreciation before closing the door.

Your heat was beginning to wind down as you were coming off the last few days of your heat cycle. Walking by the sleeping alpha, you opted to take a much-needed shower. You reeked of nothing but sex and Bakugo, and as much as your enjoyed being covered with his scent, you also missed feeling freshly clean.

When you emerged from the nice steamy shower, you noticed Bakugo was no longer in the nest. Throwing on some clothes, you rounded the corner to walk down the stairs when a set of voices stopped you.

"What the hell do you want?" Bakugo's sharp voice says.

"I see she's made her choice," another voice says and you recognized it as Todoroki.

Your stomach twists at the anticipation of another fight, and you knew it was best to stay where you were.

"Yeah? What of it? I told you she was fucking mine," Bakugo sneers, crossing his arms.

"I just wanted to make sure she was alright. And that she wasn't forced into something that she didn't really want."

"Whatever Icy Hot, you just pissed I won Y/N's favor. You lost to me," He remarks, his hand gripping the wood door tightly.

"It's such a shame. You took advantage of her heat so she would have no choice. But if we were being honest Bakugo, who would she have chosen in her right mind?" Todoroki questions coldly, before turning to walk away.

You move away from sight as he slammed the door, retreating back into the room as to not get caught eavesdropping.

Bakugo on the other hand heard your footsteps retreating, and he remained still by the door. His heartfelt heavy and unsettling feeling of doubt began to wash over him.

What if what that half n half bastard said was true? Did Y/N feel as though I took advantage of her heat?

"What?!" He barks into the phone, pacing back and forth in his room.

"Yo Bakugo! Y/N called me, she needs help," Kirishima's voice echoed through the speaker. Bakugo stops his pacing and turned his full attention to the phone.

"What happened!?" He shouts, worries beginning to fill him.

"She called me crying saying she's leaving our class! She said she needed to choose a mate or else she can't become a hero. So I told her to leave her window open tonight. This is your chance bro! If you want her, then go fucking get her! Or else I will!"

Bakugo took his words in, throwing his phone to the floor. "Damn it!" He yells. He really fucked this up. He sat down on his floor, pulling at his hair as he thought of what to do. This was all happening so fast.

Looking out his window at your house, he saw your light go off, and the window slides open. It was obvious that you needed him. Even if you did call Kirishima, he knew that this whole time, all you wanted was him.

Taking a deep breath, Bakugo waited an hour before rising to his feet and opening his window.

What if you regretted this bond? Would Bakugo be able to live with himself knowing he took advantage of your vulnerability?

You began to rearrange the nest, the pillows, and blankets being set up perfectly the way you wanted. As the door creaked open, you felt yourself pause.

The ash-blond slips into the room, peering over at you.

"Who was that?" You played dumb, continuing to fluff a pillow up.

"You know who it was," he grumbles, walking over to you. He crouches down and enters your nest of pillows, propping himself up on his elbow as he looks up at you. "Alpha hearing remember?"

You blushed at being caught, and you crawled over to him. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

He opens an arm out for you and you snuggled up close to him, breathing in his scent. His hand races down your side and he leans down to kiss your forehead. "Do you regret me?"

Sitting up, you pulled away from him. "Are you kidding me, Katsuki!?"

But something happened that shocked you. He turns away, his body quivering as he choked back a sob. "Katsuki?" You ask, moving forward to hold his face. "What's wrong?"

He pushes the tears away, refusing to cry in front of you.

"You can talk to me, I'm your mate now," you say tenderly, and his red eyes flash up to you.

That's right, you are his mate. His person.

Grabbing your hips, he softly pushes you down onto the blanket, his lips finding yours as he kisses you passionately.

Your hands grip his shoulders as he places himself between your legs. The two of you kiss for a few moments before Bakugo pulls away suddenly and looks down at you.

"I've been an asshole to you these past few months. How could you willing accept me?" He questions.

You smiled, realizing what has gotten him so chocked up. "It's true, you've been a huge dick. For a moment there, I felt like I was never going to be good enough for you. But when you came through my window, I knew you finally accepted us."

A wide grin spreads across his face and he smashes his lips against yours. You both tangled in the blankets as he made love to you once again.

"I love you Y/N," He pants in your ear.

"I love you too," you moaned back, your body trembling underneath him. 

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