31 🍋

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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 31

The sound of keys unlocking the door of your apartment was heard as Kirishima carried you inside. You clung to him, your head rolling to the side as you practically begged to sleep. He slams the door closed and carries you towards your bedroom. Pulling the cover back, he gently laid you down, pulling your shoes off. You groan and turn in the bed, "everything is spinning."

"You really shouldn't have drank so much," he chuckles.

You felt yourself turn to him with a grimace. "You shouldn't have been all over Mina. Really Kirishima?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "We're just friends, besides, you wanted to keep this a secret."

Rolling your eyes, you turn back away from him. "Doesn't mean you can flirt and grind all over our friend. That really made me feel like shit."

You felt his hand caress your hip as he squeezed your flesh in comfort. "Don't worry baby, you're the only one for me."

You grumbled, deciding not to respond as sleep began to overwhelm you.

Kirishima watches you with a small smile. He pulled the covers over you and placed a kiss on the back of your head before turning and leaving the room.

He didn't want to push you, and he had to be at the agency in the morning so he decided to head home.

As he closed the door he looked around, feeling eyes on him. He made sure the door was locked before leaving down the hallway.


It was blistering hot, the sun feeling harsher that day. You were having your afternoon workout, running behind Bakugo who was taking the lead in front of you. Your breathing began to get harder and your legs were starting to give out. You found yourself stopping, placing your hand on a nearby bench as you heaved and tried to get control over your breathing.

Ahead of you, Bakugo stops and turns back, running towards you with concern on his face. "Are you quitting already?!"

You glare up at him. "Why are we doing this in the middle of the day? When it's the hottest!" You bristle, wiping your forehead full of sweat.

He snickers down at you. "Do you think villains are going to wait to attack when it's cooler?"

"Yes!" You exasperated, leaning back to open your chest.

Bakugo rolls his eyes and slaps you on the shoulder. "Catch your breath and let's go! If you want to pass the final exam you can't show any weakness!"

You steady your breathing, trying hard not to pass out. You've been running for miles, and all you wanted was to die in the shade.

Bakugo could see how tired you were and a smirk spreads across his face. He leans down and whispers into your ear. "You finish this mile and I'll get you a damn snow cone."

Your eyes instantly lit up, a smile spreading across your face. "Really?"

"Hurry the fuck up!" He growls through his smirk, pulling away and beginning to take off.

You let out a laugh and run behind him, imagining a snow cone at the end of the mile.

True to his word, Bakugo took you to the snow cone stand. "Can I get a cherry one?" You ask him with puppy eyes and he blushes before scoffing.

Slamming the money onto the counter he looks at the cashier. "One cherry and uh, one hot cinnamon popsicle."

You made a face at his choice but happily took your cone. "Thanks babe!" You say cheerfully before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

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