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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 47

The day of the hero banquet came, and the anxiety of seeing Bakugo and Kirishima ate away at your insides. You almost wanted to tell Todoroki you didn't want to go.

But part of you wanted to go; you wanted to see if what Izuku had said was true. Were they miserable without you? Or had they moved on?

Back in the day, an alpha could only mate once. If their omega died, they would spend the rest of their years lonely and may even commit suicide. An alpha who loses their omega no longer had a purpose; no longer had someone to protect and nurture. However, things have changed drastically over the centuries of human time, including the manifestation of quirks.

You dressed in a shimmering ice blue dress, complimenting Todoroki's blue suit. You knew the moment you stepped in the room; everyone would see the Pro Hero Destiny was no longer with her mate Dynamight. After the recent omega bust, the press got wind that the omega hero had returned to hero work. Even though it had been unintentional, saving a person's life was more of a priority than saving your pride.

Gossip spread across all the social media platforms of your save alongside the number 2 hero, Shoto.

"Why is she with Shoto and not with Dynamight?"

"Did the two break it off? Did Destiny have an affair?"

You tried your best not to listen to the nonsense. You didn't care what people had to say about you, because frankly, it wasn't anyone's business. However, the hero banquet was another story. Not only were current heroes going to be there, but also retired and veteran heroes as well, including Endeavor.

"Does this mean I'm going to be meeting your father?" You had asked Shoto timidly. You've met Endeavor a few times in the past, but not as Shoto's girlfriend. What would he think of her? Would she even be worthy in his eyes?

"Yes, he will be there. He's announcing a few awards. But he won't bother us," Shoto claims.

You nod and fixed your appearance one last time. "Well, I guess this is it," you say flatly.

You felt hands grasp yours, and you were pulled against a muscular chest. You look up to see Todoroki's beautiful multi-colored eyes stare down at you with worry. "Are you sure you'll be okay? Seeing them?"

You sucked in a breath, not sure what the proper answer would be. Pushing a smile on your face, you needed to reassure the alpha in front of you. "It may hurt, but I won't let them ruin our night."

Shoto closed his eyes and leaned forward to press a kiss to your hair. He wanted to believe you, but the doubt in the back of his mind replayed on repeat. There was potential that he could lose you tonight. You could decide to return to them, leaving Todoroki in the dust. If you did, he would vow to live the rest of his life alone; letting his legacy die with him.

"Just please..." He began, not sure if he wanted to sound as pathetic as he felt.

You wrap your arms around his neck and move your lips up to kiss him tenderly. Your heart was warmed with love and admiration for the man who had been nothing but generous and patient with you. "No matter what happens tonight, I will be going home with you."

Sighing deeply, Shoto kissed you again, hoping your words will hold true.

If anxiety were a person, they would be punching you in the gut right now. Sweat collected in the most inconvenient parts of your body as you wring your hands in your lap. You felt hot, and only the cool hand of your boyfriend was able to calm you.

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