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His Best Kept Secret
Chapter 34

Kirishima pulled the phone away from his ear, smiling down at the picture of your face as his background. It didn't bother him that you didn't say the three words back, in fact, he knew you needed more time. Kirishima just wanted to make sure you knew of his feelings. But he would be patient for you to come to terms with yours.

He was currently at the police station, giving his monthly report to the commissioner. As the head of his own agency, he was required to meet with the commissioner and mayor monthly to give them the counts of crime the agency dealt with. It helped with pay, taxes, as well as hero statistics. This all went into rankings and Kirishima was hoping to rise in the ranks soon.

More than anything though, he wanted to see you. He felt guilty for leaving you last night, and even more guilty that he wasn't there when the monster attacked just a few blocks down from your apartment. He hated to admit it, but he was thankful Todoroki responded to the call so quickly. Speaking of Todoroki, Kirishima looked up just in time to see the multicolor-haired hero walk into the front doors of the station, his strides full of determination despite looking pretty banged up.

Kirishima debated in confronting him and asking how the monster fight went, but by the way Todoroki stomped his way through the station, he didn't look interested in small talk. Instead, the red-haired man followed him down the hall to where the commissioner's office was. The door opened as Todoroki entered the office but the door didn't close all the way, leaving it cracked slightly.

Looking around, Kirishima wondered what they could be talking about that made Todoroki hurry so much. He waited till a pair of officers passed before sneaking closer to the door.

One of the officers gave him a look and he grins his charismatic smile at him. "Official hero business, keep up the good work!" He pats the officer on the shoulder and the man practically gawks at Red Riot.

Once the officers were gone, Kirishima placed his back against the wall beside the door, tipping his head to try and hear within the cracked door.

"Shoto, what brings you here? Do you need medical attention?" He heard the commissioner's voice say.

"No ma'am, I have a lead on the monster case," His deep cold voice responds.

"Oh? Do tell!"

"There is a villain behind the monsters. In fact, there are two."

Kirishima raised an eyebrow at this, his heartbeat picking up as anxiety began to creep up his body.

"Two villains you say?"

"Yes, I saw them close to the monster attack. One of them I recognized from my chase last night on 40th street. I speculate the older male is the one who is responsible, and the younger one is acting as their guard."

"This is great news. This brings us one step closer to finding out who these villains are."

Kirishima felt his stomach twist in knots and he pushed away from the wall and began to walk down the hall. But the door to the commissioner's office was thrown open and a voice halted Kirishima's steps.

"Red Riot, you're still here?" He heard the commissioner ask.

Putting on a smile, he turns around to give Todoroki and the commissioner an apologetic look. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I thought I forgot my supply bag!"

"You mean the one attached to your hip?" Todoroki points out with speculation in his voice.

Kirishima scratched the back of his neck. "Okay, you got me. I wanted to know what happened this morning. The monster case was originally under my agency."

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