Chapter 4 ~ Cold

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The next morning they were off, heading towards the village that Dream thought he had seen the day before. The morning air was crisp and cold, just the way George liked it. Being a morning person, he happily moved ahead, grabbing a bucket out of his pack and filling it with water, before letting it disappear into his pack again.

Sapnap on the other hand dragged his feet, swore when a couple things fell out of his pack as he pulled out his bucket, and stumbled to the lake for water. He was not awake. He was not awake. He was not-

"Can you pick up the pace Sapnap?" George said, after shoving a loaf of bread in his mouth.

"You better shut up George, or my face is going to be the last thing you see," Sapnap said, pulling his headband so tightly that it slipped down and fell over his eyes. This caused Dream to chuckle and push it back up.

"You doing alright there bud?" He said peeking into Sapnap's fiery hazel eyes. He did NOT want to be up right now.

"I just don't understand why we have to get up so early" He groaned as they had begun walking again. They had entered the trees and shade only made the brisk morning colder.

"Because, if we can get back early today, then we can spend the rest of the day setting up that stable." Dream said, peaking Sapnap's interests. "Didn't you want to get a horse now that you've found a saddle in that desert temple?" Dream raised his eyebrows as if he actually were confused and wondering if Sapnap had given up on his want for a horse. Where in the background George had mumbled
"Dessert temple" out of habit.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get to the village already," he grunted, picking up the pace even. This led George and Dream to laugh as they followed suit.

The trek to the village should have been about half a day away, but as their luck had it, they found themselves completely lost. At the time of day, Dream had spotted the smoke, it was getting colder, and the villagers had been most likely making fires.

"Maybe you saw a forest fire," Sapnap said, now very awake and walking with his hands on the back of his head.

"I doubt it," George replied, getting a bit tired now as they walked "it would've been more aggressive would it not?" Dream agreed.

"I swear I saw it. It looked to be from a fireplace" he said, getting a bit impatient as well. He wouldn't have liked it much if he'd spent half the day leading his friends around on a wild goose chase for a fire that he imagined. He struggled to fight the blush creeping up behind his unfitting cutely freckled cheeks against his entire look of 'cool'.

"I'm sure it is around here somewhere," George said. He stopped walking to think.

The others followed suit and looked to him, knowing when George put this mind to it, he was sure to think of some solution.

Finally, he did speak, his question coming out rather slowly and unsure as he asked it.

"Dream... since it is summer, wouldn't it be a bit odd there would be any fires?" Sapnap burst out laughing at the revelation and Dream finally blushed a dark red.

George however, didn't waver and continued. "Don't you think the village would be in a colder biome considering you saw the fire?" This caused Sapnap to stop laughing and gasp.

"I remember now! Yesterday when we were stopped waiting for you to pick your flowers I saw the snow biome! We're on the wrong side! I know where it is, come on!" he said hurriedly.

They were all up and off in the direction of the snow in moments, the energy they had lost through their long morning walk seemed to magically return as their excitement grew with each passing step.

When they neared the snow, and the temperatures began to get colder and colder, they decided it was time to change into warmer gear. Sapnap pulled out his white cloak from his pack, and covered his hands in gloves, Dream did the same and pulled out a long green scarf, his green hoodie already providing enough warmth as he pulled down the sleeves and left his fingerless gloves as they were, assuming it would be enough to keep warm. George grabbed his dark blue cloak as well, and threw it on, having issues buttoning it in the front as his fingers were starting to get cold.

Once Sapnap had finished buttoning up the boy's cloak and George's mittens were on, they continued forth into the cold.

As they passed over, it seemed like they had just entered a blizzard of cold. The air hitting them like a bus. They all shivered and kept moving forward in an attempt to find the Village.

Not long after they entered the cold, a small fox ran in front of them, an emerald in its mouth. It startled them and they all stopped to look at the creature, Sapnap even going as far as to pull out his sword.

Luckily, the fox was harmless, a bit scared of them, but did not want any trouble. Sapnap smiled at it and rose his sword.

"Sweet, free emerald," he said, stepping forward. Dream shrugged his shoulders and let Sapnap advance but George shouted at him to stop. They both looked over at him, bewildered by his outburst.

"Can't you tell?" he said, exasperated with having to deal with them "Look!" and look they did. Upon closer inspection, both Sapnap and Dream came to see that there was a little collar around the fox's neck labeled "foofie".

"Foofie? What kind of name is that?" Sapnap said. Dream laughed.

"It doesn't matter what its name is. It probably belongs to some kid of the village," George said, his breath visible in the cold. " Let's follow it"

They kept their distance from the little fox, in an attempt to see where it would lead them. After a little while longer they found that George was right. As the fox ran ahead the scene opened up to the three of then below.

Ahead was the bustling noises of a village, the smell of cooking food, and the smoke from many chimneys rose high into the sky until it disappeared among the light snow that had just begun to fall.

They all mentally exhaled in relief at this, scared for what might have happened if they'd gotten caught in a snow storm.

They stood together at the top of a mound, looking down at the beautiful view. Sapnap now finally put his sword back in its hold, villagers having been known to hate violence in the past. He rested his hand on his hip, there was no way they would be able to get back in time for the stable, the town was just so quaint. He'd want to spend the rest of their time exploring it. His heart skipped a beat at his excitement. He could hardly wait for adventure.

Dream had both hands on his hips glad that they'd finally made it, and doing his best to suppress the embarrassment he'd felt for leading them astray so long. If they hurried their trade, they still might be able to be back in time for Sapnap's stable.

That might have been pushing it though as he looked up to the snowfall that settled in on anything and everything, the boy's heads and shoulders included.

George stood with his hands crossed, watching Foofie run down the hill, making a small path as he went. George took note of how it already began to disappear among the falling snow.

"Right let's go" Sapnap said. George hesitated. Dream noticing this stopped in his tracks and grabbed Sapnap's arm.

"What is it George?" George blushed, he stumbled a few steps as if to pretend he'd been following them all along. When Sapnap scoffed, he realized he'd have to confess.

"Uhm... just... what-what if they don't like us? Remember the last village thought we'd only bring trouble and then the zombie raided then-"

"Let me stop you right there George." Sapnap began " if someone gets too in our business just... ya know...shoot em" he said pointing at George's arrows. Angrily George reddened and swatted his hand away.

"Shoot them?"


Dream laughed a wheezing teakettle and George rolled his eyes, and with that, they all kept walking towards the village. He hoped they were kind.

"I hate you" he muttered. Ignoring sapnap's response "why, I'm lovely". To which Dream laughed again. He'd lightened the mood just enough to ease George's mind and move forth to the bustling winter village below.

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