Chapter 21~Defense!

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Bad returned from his quest assigned to him by Dream far later than the others had returned. His body ached all over and not an inch of him was visible under a thick layer of dirt. Due to his already dark clothing, it was difficult to tell. If the Dream team hadn't known him so well they wouldn't have noticed something was off with the other, due to his incredibly high spirits. He wasted no time dropping his pack to the floor, as they always did after coming home and bolting to the kitchen.
"how'd it go guys!" Bad finally spoke, mouth full of bread. Sapnap took no time responding, eager to tell the tale to someone who wasn't there.
"Gosh, I forgot how fun it is to just swing your sword at something!" Sapnap said, mimicking a swinging motion with his imaginary sword. George pulled out an imaginary bow in mockery of Sapnap, then shot Dream, who acted as if he'd just been impaled in the stomach, tumbling over onto their couch. They all laughed as Bad came through the door.
Sapnap simply rolled his eyes at the others, determined to keep the story in motion.
"Bad!" George said, cutting off Sapnap on purpose. He ran over to Bad's pack and opened it up.
"I got so many diamonds guys! I found a fantastic place where we can strip mine!" Bad replied to George's snooping. There was still sweat beading down his face.
"Jeez Bad... I'm sorry," Dream said, sitting up a little from where he had been lying dead from the arrow. "When I said going mining yesterday I didn't mean you had to go ahead and restock us for the next year." He was genuinely guilty for possibly being too hard on them all yesterday, though he felt much better now. Bad smirked at him.
"No no! I think it was a good thing! My spirits are higher now than they have been in days, I'll have so much work to do in the next couple of months. Besides, I think now that we should be thanking those robbers! Without them, we wouldn't have struck gold!"
"Ugh, please don't bring up gold," George groaned. Dream blushed.
"OH, You won't even believe how it went Bad!" Sapnap cut over everyone again, impatience getting the best of him. They all finally settled down and listened to Sapnap as he retold the tale of their dangerous encounter.

"I would have been dead if it hadn't been for George's sniping skills!" He said, roughly grabbing onto George's neck and taking him along with him as he continued telling his tale. George choked and held onto Sapnap's arm clearly enraged by his capture. Sapnap ignored this and continued.
"I jumped in front of Dream, literally ready to die when–"
"Oh come on, you were not going to die there." Dream said laughing, though touched slightly at the way he worded it.
"I can understand that feeling, if you guys had gotten severely injured I would've jumped in myself," George said, ripping free from Sapnap's grasp at last.
"awww the heroic George!" Sapnap mocked. They all took another break from the story for a proper needed laugh break, which would not settle down until Dream finally cut over them all.
"Jokes aside, that was an amazing shot George," Dream said.
"I know! You shot him!!" Sapnap said, again taking the lead of the story.
Once they had finally settled down in the story, Dream was seated on the couch with Bad, Sapnap still stood, and George on the floor between the two.
"It was really intense, though even if we didn't really get to steal anything in return, I'm glad we got some of our rage out. At least they know we mean business".
"Well that isn't entirely true," Dream said. They all looked to him as he held up an ordinary walkman.
"Are you going to listen to music or something?" Bad questioned, followed by confused yet, light laughter.
"No– well, I mean this doesn't have any trading value, but I saw the way Tommy held onto it as we argued." Dream said inspecting the thing as he spoke, "he even brought it with him to the Nether, where we first met, so I assumed it must mean a lot to him. Emotional value is worth far more than money anyway".
"So we're mentally fucking with them now?" Sapnap said, "Awesome."
"I guess so. But I'm not going to damage it in any way. Call it a negotiation tool," he said, throwing it back into his pack.
"Wow! That was very clever of you Dream. Great job all of you!" Bad said, "sounds like you guys achieved your goal right?"
"Well hopefully, I just want them to leave us alone, but I feel that won't be the case," George said, letting his glasses fall over his face. Bad giggled and pushed them back up on top of his head. They shared a laugh and George rested his head on Bad's knee while Sapnap spoke.
"Well of course it isn't over George, we are just getting started! We now need to come up with epic defenses of our own! We can't let them just walk through our portal like that again!" they all nodded in agreement.
"Well, I know what we are doing tomorrow," Dream said as he slung an arm over Sapnap and forced him down onto the couch with the others.

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