Chapter 15~ Red

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Dream did not hesitate. The moment they were double-crossed, he couldn't keep his composure. He pulled his mask over his face completely and hood up, all that was visible now was a bit of his neck, a taunting smiley face the center focus. Sapnap, understanding, pulled out his sword for battle. Dream spat out almost simultaneously with this.
"Sapnap." Voice unwavering. "Get George." Sapnap didn't hesitate. He put his sword away, terrified of what would happen to Dream if he left him alone, but obliged. He nodded, seconds later running to the side, and swan dived into the ocean, he had his orders, it was simple as day. Dream would handle this. He just had to get George, Dream would be okay. He had to be.
The ice water hit Sapnap like a bus. The confusing change in temperature attempted to falter him, but there was no room for that, he quickly regrouped and began swimming straight down down down, to find George. George was writhing in the water, doing the exact opposite of what Dream had asked of him, he was in full panic. His hands and feet were tied and he was sinking to the bottom of the ocean at alarmingly fast rates, of course, he was going to panic. He would've already lost his breath if it hadn't been for the cloth wrapped tightly around his mouth as a reminder to keep the air in. He tried to at least get his hands free, so he'd have any chance at getting free, but the more he fought, causing bubbles to form all around him, the harder it was to keep his breath. His wrists began to ache with the stress of no blood flow, as well as twisting and rubbing. They began to bleed, but George either couldn't notice or couldn't be bothered, all the while he sunk deeper and deeper, and the light around him began to fade. There was truly nothing he could do.

  He felt a moment of relaxation as he looked to the ocean's surface. It was blurry. Maybe if he had his glasses he could see clearer. Maybe not. Was that a fish that just swum by? What are all of these things falling around me? He saw the surface of the water breaking, and breaking, and breaking. Bodies of water moving out the way for more to enter. None of them moved. Weaponry falling over, this way and that. George had to dodge an arrow that came nearby. It swam right by him. George Remembered his friends were up there fighting for him. He wasn't alone, he had to keep holding on, but as he felt himself hit the ocean floor this thought was quickly crushed. Pressure pushed on his ears as his hair flows at the will of the water. The sand that had picked up from the cinder block clouded his vision, and all he saw was murky ocean water.
Sapnap had been moving as fast as he could and once reaching the bottom began to panic, he'd already gotten to the bottom? Where was George then? Had he jumped in at the wrong place? Where was he? He did his best to calm his ever beating heart and kept searching. Not too long after, he spotted the big cloud of sand. That was it. Swimming as fast as he could, he entered the cloud. He moved his arms back and forth attempting to see through the dust, but there was nothing there, he moved closer to the ground, how could he not see a single thing? Was this just another weapon which he'd had to avoid as it rained down that created the dust? No, it couldn't be, they all made such smaller sand clouds. He kept moving as fast as he could trusting his hands to run into something, anything. He continued feeling around until he grabbed onto some fabric. George. He yanked and pulled George into view. He looked wide-eyed and terrified, yet relieved. Sapnap took out the knife that was safely secured on George's thigh and undid the wrappings, put it safely in his mouth, then moved feeling down his legs, until he could feel the rope, tying George to the ocean floor. George was running out of air fast. Bubble after bubble escaping the mask covering his mouth. Sapnap made sure to hold on tightly, knowing if he let go he would lose George again in the clouded water and began cutting. Sawing back and forth he felt George tapping on his head with both his fists. Quite annoyed, Sapnap looked up. George was panicking, running out of air, he needed to hurry. He sawed faster and faster and faster, oh why did the rope have to be so thick? George stayed scarily still and missed the feeling of George hitting his head now, but he wasn't going to stop to see if he was okay, he kept going right up until the rope would finally snap free. He expected George to swim up immediately, but the rope hung there, not moving. Sapnap could feel his own air supply running dangerously low. He grabbed onto George, used his foot to hook under the cement block and pull himself and George down to the ocean floor, then with every last bit of power he had left, pushed off the ocean floor and began swimming up as fast as he could. George was no longer moving, he wasn't helping at all. Sapnap kicked as hard as fast as he could, the clouded water becoming clearer, and with it above he and George saw red.

   Bodies floated all around them in the water. Sapnap did his best to ignore this and keep swimming, but the shock caused him to falter. George moved his hands a which snap him out of it. It worked, but Sapnap couldn't help but look around as they swam up, and there were more coming, bodies falling into the ocean like rain. His energy was running thin, he didn't have much power left, and they were still terribly far from the surface. Sapnap used someone's body as another boost, but it seemed like they weren't getting anywhere. Could he save them both? Could he even save himself? It started to look very grim, in moments they would be just like the bodies flowing along with the ocean current around them. So this was it. He made the decision to push George up with all he had and let himself drown. A heroic end no? He thought as he watched George, who already looked passed out several meters above him. He had finally been bested. At least he tried to save George. Sorry Dream.

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