Chapter 34 ~ Attempts

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It was essentially the perfect plan. Sapnap felt deeply for his friends that were going through the wringer, especially George, and he felt it completely necessary to risk his own life and safety to help them get things back to normal. It was a simple plan really. Do what he did best. Annoy the crap out of Techno and his group and make them chase him back to their base. Where he would then get Dream and George to help. They worked best together when their instincts were in sync. Sapnap needed a real threat. All that was left now was to get Techno and his group riled.
    Sapnap of course, though sometimes dimwitted, was not an idiot like Dream. He planned ahead of time to not go alone of course into a battle with the same people that had nearly killed George. He and Bad, with Tommy's music in hand, trekked through the nether to their base.
Sapnap was quite familiar with the terrain now, and it was one of the reasons he used to get Bad to come in the first place. Bad never went on adventures, he hated them. They made him anxious and worried for the safety of his friends. It was Sapnap threatening to go at it alone that made Bad pick up his pack and sneak into Dream's room where Tommy's music player sat, and follow Sapnap out the door. He also had an interest in their new enemies. He had some real rage he'd been suppressing for the sake of everyone else about George. He wanted to see the men that did it to him.
One long hike later, and they were through the second portal. Almost immediately spotting them planting potatoes. It seemed like they were always doing that Sapnap thought.
Slowly, they crept around the portal and ran behind a few bales of hay. They wouldn't be spotted immediately from here.
"Alright, what's the plan?" Bad said, rubbing his hands together nervously.
"Okay," Sapnap said, voice also a bit shaky. This would be the first time he makes a plan alone. He got a bit braver when the images of Dream and George laughing danced in the front of his mind. He began. "We need to get their attention, and somehow lead them back to our base. We already have what they want, Tommy's music, but we need to make it seem like we are easy to catch, without actually letting them get us" Bad gulped at the thought.
"How do we keep their attention?"
"I have a plan. It's what I'm best at"
"What, bothering George?" Sapnap motioned very animatedly but silent. 
"Bingo!" he whispered "Pushing people's buttons. You think you can handle it?"Bad paused a moment in thought scratching his chin before nodding slowly.
" I believe I can manage. Just act like you right?"
"yes, embody Sapnap, got it?"
"Got it." Bad nodded smiling. "Now, how do we get their attention?" Sapnap paused for a moment in thought, hearing Tommy bicker with Techno, an idea popped into his head. He pulled out George's bow from his pack. Bad let out a whispered gasp. "What are you doing with George's bow?" he whisper-yelled. Sapnap shrugged.
"Thought we'd need it. Now watch, and get ready." He rose above the hay bales just enough for the arrow to peak through, and his eyes to see. He saw techno and Tommy speaking, and he shot an arrow to get their attention. It went nowhere near them. None of them noticed. Sapnap fell back down after swearing in a whisper, followed by a whispered "language"
"I'm not the best shot.
"Let me try" Bad said. He angled George's arrow right above Tubbo's head. "Got it!" he said before letting it go. The arrow whizzed through the air and hit Techno's sack of potatoes instead.
"Nice Bad!" Sapnap said. They both got up and stood atop the hay bales
"I wasn't aiming for that!"
"It'll work!"
    They watched for a little while longer, the others looking around for a bit, before completely missing Bad and Sapnap's presence and going to pick up the potatoes.
"What? We even stopped whispering!" Sapnap said, diving back behind the hay bales.
"Darn, shooting is hard" Bad agreed, also ducking behind the hay.
"We need another plan, we've got to have the element of surprise.

Their next plan was simple enough. After following the group around waiting for an optimal time to strike, Sapnap getting very impatient just decided to insult Techno through the window. Bad thought the idea was less than perfect but agreed to it so long as they had a good positioning to get to the portal.
"OI you FAT PIGGIE, I'LL BEAT UR ARSE RIGHT NOW IF I WANTED!" Sapnap yelled in the practiced British accent that he'd used on George for years now. He expected them to get offended as George always had, turned to them, and rush outdoors, to where they would chase Sapnap and Bad through the portal and hip hip hooray plan works. but once again they were clueless to the Dream Team's presence.
    They bickered quite a lot and even got close to spotting them, yet still, nothing. Sapnap was even waving his hands through the window at this point, yet they were so caught up in their dispute that they saw none of him. His temperature was rising, and fast. Bad laughed.
"You know for the master of annoyance, you seem to be getting a bit heated yourself." This sent him over the edge. As they continued to argue, Sapnap stormed up the hill, Bad following close behind and reached the top, where some barrels were kept. He didn't hesitate a moment before roughly pushing them off. "Wait! Sapnap!" Bad called as he did it. But it had already been done. In any other circumstance, Bad would've been furious, but these were in fact their enemies, he reminded himself. They had raided his home. He thought as the barrels fell, knocking down their fencing that they likely spent a long time building. They had robbed them. Their cows were set free and began running rampant. They had nearly killed George. He thought as he watched it trample their crops, leaving a trail of disaster behind it. They had brought disaster upon them. Bad pulled out his knives and went to stand tall with Sapnap, locking eyes with the ones who did it all to them. He smiled. It was time.

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