Chapter 30 ~ Pain

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George lively jumped up and down by the front door of their small house while waiting for Dream. It was going to be his first time out of the house since his injury.

Dream and Sapnap were also quite excited to go out on another adventure, as they had been waiting for George to feel better before they did. Sadly, Bad held Sapnap back.

He couldn't come along today, "injury" proving more fatal than a bit of bread could fix. In reality, he and Bad had simply had enough of the oblivious nature of the other two. After Dream had almost lost George, he became so obvious with his obsession with George, the others had come to the decision that Dream really had feelings for him. It was also clear George liked him just as much, in their eyes at least, and so their scheme began. Sapnap "accidentally" broke his ankle from training with Bad, so Dream and George would have to go alone.

While Dream and George protested and offered to go another day, he smiled as bright as the sun as he insisted they at least go to get George some fresh air. He was sick of the tension. That had become clear to him a long time ago.

Sure, at first he was confused, frustrated even, but Sapnap was not as dumb as he seemed, and as time went on he came to realize that his two best friends would never confess, partly because they were oblivious to the other's feelings, and partly because they both cared about Sapnap.

It hurt him to see them struggling this way, so he made his peace, almost months ago now and it was time for them to discover each other without his presence. They'd be fine, the tension was so great at this point, they'd have to confess... Right?

As George pulled on his pack and repositioned his goggles atop his head, Dream pretended his shoes were untied, finding every possible method to avoid looking at him and a sneaking blush that wouldn't stay away these days. It had only become harder after admitting to himself that he loved his best friend. He could no longer look him in the eye, the fear of getting lost and double-handedly choked by his painful desires.

George on the other hand, after being cared for and pampered for, had begun the thought of liking Dream more than a friend, so even though it was quite difficult, he did a better job hiding his love for the other. All he had ever known between Dream and him was friendship, the love was always there, and he had already been good at denying his feelings. Hell, he'd done so well he didn't even know it himself.

Although both boys' hearts yearned for the other, one thing was for sure. They were not going to confess and risk losing what they already had.

"Ready?" Dream said, standing up and looking at George's chest.

"Yeah" George answered, making sure to sound like nothing was out of the ordinary. As Dream strode out first, he looked down at his shirt to make sure there wasn't anything on it, blushing profusely.

"Hopeless," Bad said after they'd walked out the door. Sapnap only flopped and screamed into his pillow. Oh, how painful this would be. They were oblivious.

But that was their entire motive. Their only rule. Remain oblivious, believe that they were nothing more than friends. Because what would happen when they crossed the border? Although both of them wanted it, fear prevailed.

They marched along their worn path through the woods, coming into the familiar clearing they now decided to avoid. There was no real motive or thing to get done today, George just wanted to be back in the outdoors again, something all three of the boys had in common. So they spent their day climbing, searching, running and jumping, and chatting the daylight away.

They flirted as well but quickly laughed everything off. They pushed the boundaries, and complimented each other, seeing how far they could get. When something too intimate was said George would laugh and change the subject. They laughed off the fact that Dream had very pretty hair, laughed off that George had a great character, and laughed off how close they sat next to one another while taking a break. Dream had even accidentally laughed off his thoughts about holding George's hand, and when George questioned why he was laughing, he had to quickly come up with a cover.

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