Chapter 5 ~ Village

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Yeah I don't know why this chapter is in a weird font, I'm too lazy to fix it tho! 😙✌️

    The village, though hidden among the dark oak trees and quite small, was busily moving with life. As they walked the paved roads, people from the small town rushed by, one man apologizing for bumping into Dream. He smiled politely, all three did as they made their way along.

They got few weird looks, but no one was vocal about the getup the Dream Team wore, dirt smeared here and there, and their unfamiliar faces.

The buildings were tall, but there were not many of them. Back and forth the villagers moved, some going so short a distance they didn't bother to put on their cloaks. The combination of business of the town and the peacefully consistent following snow made the town remind the three travelers of Christmas.

"They're always so busy in smaller villages" Sapnap commented.

"They're probably like Renaissance Men, considering they have to carry more responsibilities per person". George's comment was most likely true, and they all thought about what it would be like to live in a tiny village like this one.

They reached the center of the town and sat down at their bell to break and eat. It was while they munched and watched the village children play in front of them they talked about where they'd like to live if they had chosen to live in a village instead of travel.

"I would most definitely choose to live in one like this. The small size and constant cold weather is too cozy to pass up" George said after swallowing a rather large bite of bread. Sapnap snorted in response.

"Not me, I'd freeze my ass off every day here. I'd rather live in a desert village, then I'd never be cold" he said, shivering a bit before taking another bite. The others knew he was exaggerating because he didn't like the cold, but he probably wouldn't have liked the intense heat of the Desert villages either.

Yet, at hearing this from George, his stubborn nature caused him to stand his ground on Desert Villages.

"Come on, you would hate the heat Sapnap. Plus, these villages are always a bit more unique here aren't they? I mean look at the architecture" George said.

They all looked around. Right he was. The way the buildings were constructed and the beauty the layers of snow added to the rooftops made this village stand out from the others.

"I don't care about that, plus the Desert Villages have those cute little cacti in the pots and have great inked colors that decorate their village, like greens and oranges." they all hummed in silence as they pictured the last village they had visited. They all had commented on how cute the cactus plants were.

They even purchased one and brought it home to Bad, only to accidentally let it die. How could they have let a cactus die? They really didn't have green thumbs, aside from Dream of course, who had been devastated at the cactus's murder.

"Remember that zombie raid that happened though?" Dream recalled. Then they all remembered how they hurriedly ran to the bell and rang it until everyone was safely inside, and how they fought late into the night to try and save the village. They were considered heroes, asked to stay, given free food, but they politely declined.

They didn't want to live in a village. It was then that conversation ended. No matter how beautiful the village, they were happy getting stronger, and traveling the world.

"Either way, I like this village, everyone's got a lot to do. I think I'd like being busy like that" George said, as he watched a little kid play with the same fox that had led them there. Less anxious to be surrounded by children with non judgemental looks.

"Yeah yeah, sounds like torture... How about you Dream? Where would you like to live if you had to live in a village?"

Dream had been listening happily, but as he was included in the debate he found himself lost for an answer.

He watched some little kids pass a ball back and forth. The smaller of the two kids took a few steps back before running full speed at the ball and hitting it as hard as they possibly could. For the small child's figure, the ball moved at incredible speeds heading right for Sapnap's face.

Everyone around seemed to freeze. The child gasped right as it was about to hit Sapnap's face, Dream reached his hand out and caught it.

To everyone who seemed to be holding their breaths let out a sigh of relief, especially Sapnap as he looked over to Dream, who was now smiling and letting the little kid have his ball back.

"I'm so sorry sir!" He said, looking at Dream and Sapnap. The other child playing with him nodded aggressively. Dream laughed more and responded kindly

"no worries! You've got quite the powerful kick.." The child blushed and thanked Dream. Dream ignored Sapnaps comment "yeah well,thank god for his lightning-like reflexes". The kids agreed. Calling Dream 'so cool!' And 'I wanna be like that man!' Now their parents were waving them over. Dream thought it was either to be chewed out for not looking where they were going, or they had heard the conversation and to be told that being someone like Dream, Sapnap, and George, was a life of constant danger. What they didn't know was the reward.

"I really Like your gloves!" The boy said in depart as he ran off waving. Dream laughed, then looked down to his own hand that waved them away and smiling at his fingerless gloves, before looking over to Sapnap. Finally having an answer to their question.

"I want to be with you guys! I don't want to live anywhere you're not." He said smiling brightly. It warmed them.

Sapnap chuckled a bit and out of nowhere Dream roughly wrapped his arm around his shoulder and began rubbing his fist against his head. All three began laughing as the snow began to fall harder and harder in the background full of renaissance men moving this way and that in the village that always looked like Christmas.

Some angst in the next few chapters for y'all. 😌

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