Chapter 6 ~ Inn

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Here's a chapter for you!

Once finished recovering and goofing off, they'd decided it was time for them to join the business world that surrounded them.

The night before all three boys had piled up all the leftover emeralds from previous trades in different villages, as it was the form of currency in their world, (whereas for the Dream team, they found currency in trades more useful to them.)

In total, they had about 12 left, not much for getting anything in bulk.

They walked into a small building with one man who looked like he had just returned from elsewhere. They walked up to the counter and he greeted them kindly.

"What can I do for you travelers?" he said, brushing some dust off of his apron. Was he a baker or a blacksmith?

"We're looking for someone who might be willing to trade us some emeralds. We have materials-" Dream couldn't finish as he had already been cut off by the very busy man

"Sorry sir, I don't do those kinds of things, I'm sure you've got great materials, but unless you've got iron armor, I don't have any emeralds for you".
"Iron armor?" Dream questioned in shock.

George dropped his hands that had been resting on the man's counter and Sapnap muttered so only they could hear "Rip off".

The man seemed to understand their predicament and he gave them some advice. It might have stemmed from the fact that he was just a kind man, or just had a couple more minutes before he had to be off again in another direction.

Nonetheless, he told them to go two houses down the road to see if the family there had anything good to trade. Their spirits lifted, thanked him, and off they went down the street, to where a woman was sitting, seemingly studying her fireplace and deep in thought. George politely cleared his throat to get her attention. Take two.

"Oh! Hello. I didn't know we had visitors. Welcome, how may I help you?" She looked to be a mother of one of the boys they'd run into out in the town square.

"Sorry to intrude ma'am, but we were told you might be able to trade with us for some emeralds," George said, glancing a bit at her dead fire out of curiosity. The woman's face fell as she noticed his gaze and followed it.

"I would love to help you guys out, but my main concern right now is getting my fire started, I need sticks or my family will freeze, my husband is out right now trying to find some sort of wood that hasn't been soaked by the snow, I just want him to get home safe."

"We can help you!" George said, pulling off his sack. From it came a bundle of dry sticks that Dream had habitually picked up the last time they were in the desert.

"Are those sticks from the desert Biome!!" She said standing up and looking closer to inspect them. She grabbed George's hands and looked closer to see if they were really dry. For some reason, Dream did not like the lady much anymore, she was quite forward in his opinion.

"I'll take them! I've got to go write to my husband!" Going to the back to grab emeralds.

    After their trade, she recommended another family in need of something that they in fact had, and off they were once more.

Soon, it seemed like they were fitting in with everyone else moving quickly this way and that about the village. As the weather continued to come down over them, they'd given up taking off their cloaks indoors.

Sometimes villagers were there, others that had "just left down the street". They'd managed to even catch up to a few and trade outdoors as the people dwindled by the hour.

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