Chapter 19~ Venture

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Not so thankful, Dream was in quite a bad mood the next day in the nether due to the very little sleep he got the night before, not only worrying about straining to keep his feelings to himself but also the uncertainty of not being liked back, or things not going back to normal if he confessed. He knew he would never be able to tell George his true feelings and it hurt. Sapnap and George had just assumed it was because the Nether sucked, and they also didn't want to be looking for a nether portal that might not even be there.
    Luckily for them, their journey through the nether didn't last long, as the clues that Dream had picked up on that Techno's team unintentionally left, led the three right to the portal, that was hidden within a mountain of rock. 
    Even though they were seemingly at a dead end, the others decided to trust Dream as he began pounding his pickaxe against the red stone. Despite his grumpy mood, Dream was never wrong. Their defenses were quite real, and after spending a good part of their day digging around randomly, only to realize the wall would've collapsed easily with a Redstone setup, they reached a change in scenery. In front of them was a long golden wall, and behind it, upon listening, they heard many piglin sounds.
"Great, well what now?" George said, taking his ear off of the warm golden wall. Dream paused to think, was there any way out of here without murdering a bunch of pigs?
"We could look all around for an opening?" Sapnap suggested.
"We already spent forever just getting this far! No way," George said. They stayed silent a moment longer, the muffled noises of piglins on the other wall.
"Right then, let's go," Dream said, turning around.

"Wha-" Sapnap began.
"We're getting some gold." Dream cut over before he could even start.
And so, the next hour of their time, they spent collecting gold in the Nether, and aside from Sapnap falling off of a blocked tower, they came back to the golden wall relatively unscathed.
    "Right. we don't have as much gold as I would've liked but we're running out of day, so I'll mine all the blocks around us, and you two are throwing gold at each and every one of them. Once I have enough, I'll craft more with the gold I've collected." Dreams said as he placed a crafting table behind them "And we get every last one. Hopefully, if the portal is right there, we just jump in okay? The gold won't distract them for long, even though we all know they're whores for it. So keep in mind to get to the portal okay?" Dream finished, although not really looking for confirmation. Sapnap chuckled a little, but George was still a bit nervous as he clutched the pounds of gold in his hands. He decided not to voice his concerns or the fact that he wasn't feeling very ready for the danger ahead of them due to Dream's mood. what happens after the portal? did they have any plan?

"Ready?" Dream said with his pickaxe out and leaning against the golden wall. Both nodded, Sapnap quite excitedly, and George apprehensive. He mined the first bit, and when there was just enough for the two to get through, they realized just how much gold they were going to have to throw. In front of them stood twenty to thirty piglins, all turning simultaneously upon seeing two intruders. George and Sapnap shared a look, before frantically throwing gold behind the piglins to distract from Dream, who was now mining their precious golden walls.
"Do you have any more George! I'm running low over here!"Sapnap shouted over the loud piglin sounds.
"No! I need all mine, I'm running out too!"
"Anytime now Dream!" Sapnap shouted.
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Dream said, hands close to bloody as he rapidly threw his pickaxe at the hard gold in front of him multiple times before it would break, and then he would throw it towards either George or Sapnap. "Look for the portal!"
"WHY DO YOU KEEP THROWING TO GEORGE I NEED SOME DREAM!" Sapnap said, having to pull out his weapon and hold it to a piglin's sword. He held it, pushing against the ugly piglin grunting in its own language until a piece of gold was thrown to his side. Sapnap kicked it away, catching the piglin's attention before it ran off to go grab the gold.
"Fetch!" he said, before looking back to Dream with an annoyed expression. Dream had noticed and chose to ignore it as he mined another chunk for George. he had recognized George's apprehension beforehand, and though he didn't know why he'd been so nervous, he was doing all he could to make sure George felt safe with a hefty supply of gold.

"I see the portal!" George said, after a long cycle of throwing and mining.
"Run towards it then!" Dream suggested. And so they did. All three made a run for it, Dream and Sapnap just trusting to follow George, hoping that they weren't running into another trap. Thankfully, after twenty or so steps, the portal came into view, protected by iron doors and wooded walls.
George had there first, only to realize the doors wouldn't open.
"Shit!" he said. The other two caught up to him, to see George frantically looking around.
"What's the holdup!" Sapnap said.
"Look for a button a lever anything!" George said. Dream had pulled out a wooden button he kept in his bag and placed it to the side of the door. Upon pressing it opened easily. The three rushed in, and it closed behind them, all before the piglins could reach them, enraged by the fact that their walls had been destroyed then given back to them.
"We gave you more gold anyways Jesus!" Sapnap called after them from the safety of the iron doors to protect them. George barely had time to look around and notice the chests full of buttons before Dream was pulling his axe out from the holder on his back.
"Come on, no time to waste." Dream said pulling down his mask to cover his face, voice dropping, before jumping into the portal first. He'd disappeared before Sapnap could even respond with a sassy remark
"one-track mind today huh Dream?" he said more to George now. The two shared a real look, and Sapnap jumped in after Dream. Once he'd also disappeared, George took a very deep breath, one that shook a bit when he exhaled, before stretching his fingers, and getting a grip on his dagger, and following after Sapnap. The world in front of them blurred, the colors of red and white from the iron doors faded from view, and in its place Dream's blurry figure came into view, along with Sapnap's and someone else. When it was finally clear, George stumbled out, to see not just Dream and Sapnap, but Technoblade and Tommy.
"Oh, more visitors! They just keep coming! Welcome welcome, to your nightmare." Technoblade said, arms reaching for the sky, with a sick look in his eyes. George gulped.

what he was afraid of.

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