Chapter 22~ cortège

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Dream slept very sound that night. He had stayed up restlessly, stress unable to leave him as he tossed and turned often. It was such a blissful night's sleep that the next morning, he chose to sleep in, ignoring George's protests. Dream pretended that he was a morning person like George so they would often spend time together before the sun rose, but today George would have to deal without a little buddy.
    Dream felt George shaking him, and refused to open his eyes. George was not the type to give up so easily, but he supposed that this morning was different. With his luck, George finally stopped shaking him, sighed audibly, and assumably left. Dream sighed into his pillow, and let his mind once again drift off into the blissful sleep he was once in when he suddenly felt a hand run through his hair. It would've startled him, but he was already so close to sleep that he merely recognized that George hadn't left, and finally fell back asleep.
    When he next awoke the sun was up and trying to shine through his window. This time he was not woken by his bothersome best friend. He opened his eyes rather quickly and shot up out of bed.

He remembered where George had touched him now. His face turned a deep red as he replayed it over and over in his head. Why had he fallen back asleep!? George had wanted him. How could he leave him alone? Dream looked around his room, a slight hope in his chest that George had stayed, before realizing he must have left. Reality sank in, as well as his anxious thoughts that he may have just dreamed the whole thing.
    He heard some movement downstairs and sided with going down to at least spend the rest of the morning with George and hopefully slip in George's visit this morning, just to be sure it was real. The wooden floor was cold on his feet, and spiking shivers ran through his body, making getting up seem all the more difficult. Bravely, he pressed on and reached the banister to find not George, but Sapnap and Bad making breakfast. Bad looked up and saw Dream.
"Good Morning Dream! We're making pancakes... care to join?" Dream shifted a bit, still groggy, then quickly realized he needed to respond.
"Morning," he said his morning voice deeper than he expected. Sapnap laughed at this.
"Okay grizzly bear, want to grab some honey for your pancakes?" Dream rolled his eyes.
"Where's George?" he said looking around from above and not seeing his goggled crush. Bad and Sapnap shared a look of knowing before responding.
"We're not sure, probably on a walk or something, come on down already," Sapnap said, flipping a pancake that landed on Bad's plate. Bad clapped as Dream started his way down. Sapnap held out some pancakes to him, to which he politely declined. He walked right past the kitchen and went to grab his hoodie and pack.
"I'm gonna go find him, he's going to miss out on breakfast," He said, pulling on his gloves and gripping at the air until comfortable.
"Alright, but hurry up and find him soon or I'm going to finish these" Bad said, mouth full of delicious buttery pancake. Dream assured he would and waved goodbye.

He heard Sapnap comment "I'm sure he hasn't gone far!" before he closed the door behind him. He was in relatively good spirits today, very happy to have gotten some sleep. He exhaled loudly as he set off, his breath visible in puffs due to the cold morning air. He wanted to let George know how well he slept. He never had admitted his nightmares to anyone before, but George knew that he didn't really wake up that early. It was an unspoken knowledge between them, who knows, maybe today he could finally confess that part of himself to George. He was sure it would strengthen their friendship, maybe George would even share something too.

He took solace in these thoughts as he hiked through the tall wet grass coated in morning dew. He took no mind to it as his pants got wetter and wetter, he was simply eager to find George. The sun began to rise higher and higher into the sky, and soon he could see clearly ahead of him. The urge to find George only doubled with this fact, he even took some comfort in the conversation they would have on their walk back to pancakes. Yes, eager he was to get to him. He began to spot yellow flowers, dandelions they looked like trailed ahead of him. He followed, unsure why they still looked lively when they had been ripped from the ground.
    His instincts took over and began tracking them. He could find George after, he thought as his curiosity followed the trail. He came to a clearing, where scattered all around in the tall grass were dozens of yellow flowers. They were sprinkled around as if they had been rained down from above. As dream ventured further into the clearing, the feeling of comfort that was welling up in his heart suddenly vanished, upon the sight of George on the floor.

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