Chapter 45 ~ The Climax

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Sapnap was racing to catch up to Tommy and Tubbo as well as avoid the flying phantoms that were coming at them left and right. If he'd thought it was hard before avoiding being seen, that paled in comparison to now. Every three minutes it seemed he was gripping on as hard as he could to the rock as he was attempting to be thrown from the mountain upon the impact of a phantom.

The others didn't have it much better, slightly higher up. Tommy and Tubbo certainly had to learn fast to stay stuck on the mountain like flies, yet somehow, they'd made it this far and they certainly were not going to fall now and have to face Techno. The sight of them made Sapnap laugh aloud, a familiar sight of friendship and teamwork that he hadn't been able to see in his friends in quite a while. Despite that, watching them calmed his nerves, as he swiped some of the sweat from his brow and hooked his foot into another crack on the stone.

Opposing Sapnaps' endearing sights upon them, Tommy was fueled with rage. At any other time in his life, and time at all! He would just love an adventure like this. Hell! He got to do dangerous shit finally! However, without his music, he felt miserable, and so exhausted.

In a perfect world, he'd just love to throw his headphones over his ears and blast the music so he wouldn't have to deal with his ever-going thoughts, but that wasn't available at this time. Every single thing felt like an inconvenience. He let off a heavy sigh as he gripped tighter onto a sharp edge. Just then a phantom flew into him. He grunted as his head smashed into the rock and his hand was sliced open. Sapnap called from slightly below them.

"You alright!"

"YEAH! Let's just keep going!" he said, reaching up, wiping the dirt from his brow.

"Not that, about before!"

"LET'S JUST KEEP GOING" Sapnap didn't need to be told twice that this was not the time to pry. He'd certainly learned when to keep his nose out of it. He wished Bad were here. He was slammed up against the rock and nearly lost his footing. He really wished that George was there to shoot at the phantoms on them from below. Luck just was not on his side today, mentally and physically. He glanced around and saw no phantoms after him at the moment and reached up for another grip.

Though quite a slow pace, they were nearing the top, and the suspense could hardly be contained any longer for any of the boys as shown in their ever increasing recklessness in their climb.

It might've been fruitless, since they'd had such a rough start. It was incredibly probable that they wouldn't reach the top, but they were too close not to complete this task now. The wind was so much stronger up here, and it alone could've been strong enough to rip them from the rock if they only loosen their grip. Eyes squinted as small pebbles flew this way and that at them and fingers were white and calloused, some even red. But how could they stop now? It was the only thing he could do at this point. If all else failed, if all others didn't make it even, they had to succeed. Or it all would've been for nothing.

When they were around the right height, they found themselves stopping and looking around.

"Where's the cave??" Tommy called to Sapnap who was also frantically looking around.

"I-I don't know!" He called back, turning his head so fast that his headband strap whipped around momentarily blinding his vision as he continued "I would have been able to know where to climb had I checked before I started climbing, but now we're too close to see!" once white strap falling out of his eyes, Tommy saw that Sapnap had indeed been telling the truth, and realized the poor fellow wore his heart on his sleeve, quite a refreshing change from Techno, he scoffed at this jealousy rising in his core and blamed it on the intense climb.

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