seven eleven

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they arrived at the supermarket, since they ran like mad men. everybody was staring at them when they entered the air-conditioned place. well, why wouldn't you stare when a dude in pajamas comes running in panting like a dog. yeonjum immediately dragged soobin into the rice aisle, picking out 2 10kg rice pack. and then picked out some vegetables and fruits, along with some chicken and beef.
" hold up, imma go grab some ramen. be right back."
before soobin could even run off to the ramen aisle, yeonjun pulled him back.
" no more ramen for you. at least for now. you've been eating unhealthy amounts of it."
" but-" soobin tried to argue. " no buts." soobin huffed. and then he came up with an idea. " i don't have enough money with me to pay for all this. i can only afford the ramen." yeonjun shook his head. " its fine, i was gonna pay for you anyway."

at this point soobin just gave up. he's too tired to retaliate further. so he just let yeonjun drag him to different aisles before finally going to the counter. he heard girls queing behind them whisper.
" omg, that guy's soooo hot. yuna why don't you go ask for his number?" and with that sentence, soobin swore he felt a burning rage fill his heart. he was jealous. he knew he was. but then again, who was he to be jealous? yeonjun isn't his boyfriend anyways.

yeonjun notices soobin's moody demeanor, knowing it was from the girls behind them. so he decided to you know, poke further. he waited for that yuna girl to come up to him asking for his number. and she finally did.
" hey, uh...i j-just t-thought you were really a-attractive. m-may i-i have your n-number?" yeonjun gave her his infamous smile, which definitely got him them girls and boys. " sure!"

soobin looked at him in disbelief. he asked me on a date yesterday, and now he's flirting with other girls? soobin rolled his eyes. he purposefully told yeonjun it was their turn, which wasn't. there was 2 other people queing in front of them. yeonjun just brushed him off and continued to talk to the girl. this ticked soobin off as he looked like a complete idiot, it was pretty obvious that he was pissed. REALLY pissed. when they finally paid for their goods, soobin stomped off. he walked incredibly fast while leaving yeonjun to carry everything but the vegetables. yeonjun just sighed, knowing he did push too much.

soobin unlocked the door to the apartment. he sat on the couch grumpily, crossing his arms after setting down the vegetables on the kitchen counter.
" soobin, could you help me unpack the stuff?" soobin huffed.
" why don't you ask the girl from the supermarket to help you instead?" soobin knew he was being petty. but he liked it anyway. its yeonjun's fault for giving his number in the first place. ain't his fault. yeonjun walked over to the couch and knelt down in front of soobin.
" are you okay?" soobin turned his head to the opposite direction. yeonjun sat down next to him. and soobin turned his head to the other direction.
" soobin...come on. talk to me." soobin kept quiet. " alright, i guess i'll have all the ruffles to myself then." soobin's ears perked at this. he begged yeonjun for the chips. he couldn't live without it, it was his favourite. i mean, how can you hate potato chips???

" nooooo leave me some." soobin pouted.
" now you start talking. come on, tell me. what's with you?" oh, yeonjun knew what's with soobin. he just wanted to hear him say it for himself. he heard soobin mumble something to himself.
" sorry, what?"
" its embarrassing...."
" you can tell me, soobin. im not gonna laugh at you."
" fine! i was jealous.." soobin said in a small voice.
" you were what? i couldn't hear you." yeonjun did in fact hear him, he was just teasing soobin.

" i was jealous." yeonjun cooed at soobin.
" why were you jealous, baby?"
" because." yeonjun chuckled.
" you said you weren't gonna laugh! go awayyyy!" he pushed yeonjun off the couch. yeonjun pulled soobin into a hug after getting up. " don't be jealous. i gave her your number instead. you can say whatever you want to." soobin giggled.
" don't do that again! i was confused. you asked me out and then you flirt with others. that's not how it works."
" i know, i was just teasing you." soobin smacked yeonjun.
" what the fuck??? that's not funny, yeonjun!!" soobin whined. yeonjun just, laughed. he was amused by soobin looking so cute while he was angry. soobin huffed walking to the kitchen, taking out the ingredients for fried rice.

" are you gonna cook?" soobin nodded his head. " its the least i can do for you. pack some before we go so you can take it home." yeonjun nodded, sitting on the kitchen counter staring at soobin being boyfriend material.

hi guys. and girls.. :D hope you had a great day!! pls eat well dont just eat instant noodles.
okay bye i suck at these-

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