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yeonjun's pov

i remember getting pushed into the back of a car. im positive that the driver seems to be mikhail fulo, the owner of blue moon. like, the man, the dude, the fucking boss. holy shit what the fuck. i remembered soobin screaming into his face from the backseat to, i quote, " hurry the fuck up or i'll squeeze your dick so hard you won't be able to fuck your many partners."

even i got scared for my dick. he's scary when need be. it was a blur from there. i woke up, wincing at the white light. i coughed, my throat was really dry.

" jesus fuckin christ my head hurts like hell." i winced at my scratchy voice. i felt stirring beside me before a scream sounded the room.
" ow, fuck was that for bit-" i stopped before saying it because i realised it was soobin who screamed.
" you- you're awake!! oh my god!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" i stared at him like he had gone mad. of course i was awake, what did i look like? dead?

" calm down, i didn't die or anything. sit down, soobin or you'll hurt yourself." i told him. he looked at me like i grew another pair of eyes.
" yeon, you barely survived. you spent ten hours in that operating room. your heart stopped twice. you lost so much blood because it grazed your kidneys. doctors said you might not wake up due to the anesthesia. so yes, you almost fucking died, okay?" soobin said, choking on his own words at times. i looked at him. i never had the chance to when i first woke up.

he was haggard to say the least. his eyes were dull with bags hanging on his eyes. he was tired and his cheeks were sunken. he looked like he hadn't eaten. but he still looked beautiful to me.

" and so i panicked...i was didn't wake up for two days straight...are you listening daniel choi?!" i snapped back from my dreamland. " what? yeah, yeah of course!" he glared at me, " im letting you off this time, daniel but i swear to god-"

the doctor came in just in time. this hospital has been in heavy paying from mr mikhail fulo, so i doubt they contacted the authorities.
" mr choi yeonjun, we meet yet again. you suffered another gunshot wound but this time, you almost died. how are you feeling?," dr. pauline tsiang asked. " im fine." i hated her presence. the first time i got admitted here, she was so annoying. like i get that you have to run tests, but why at 3 in the morning? the fucking lab workers are demons or what?

"well, im sure you know the procedures. i'll briefly go through it. don't exert yourself for half a year, im serious about this one, no training. keep your wound clean and dry to prevent infections, but if it does occur, please do come back. physical rehabilitation will be held for you since you'll essentially be bed ridden for half a year. walks are necessary for recovery. please attend your appointments for the planning of your rehab. alright, that is all. if there are any concerns, don't hesitate to raise it to our nurses."

she wrote something down on her clipboard and checked the iv drip before leaving. soobin was quiet.
" you wanna see?" i asked and he nodded as an answer.
" gonna need a little help here, baby."

he came over to the bed and slowly helped me remove my shirt. i sat down the bed cross legged, facing him. i showed him my old gunshot wound on my right chest. he touched it and i winced, remembering the incident. i got a tattoo of a teddy bear to cover it up. one of its eye was the bullet wound. soobin's eyes raked all over my body, looking at all the knife cut marks, the newly wrapped bandage on me and looking at all my tattoos. i could see him almost crying. he didn't see these when we were having sex because it was too dark to see it and i never let him see the wounds on other occasions i was shirtless in front of him.

" this was when..jin hyung got kidnapped by the same dude that shot me today.." i didn't care anyway. i was just disappointed that i let my guard down twice in front of him, because he was on the ground. soobin looked at me sorrowfully.
" it was scary, seeing you fight. i mean, we technically were in a car crash just minutes ago! how could you-" he sighed, giving up on saying anything. he came closer and pecked my old bullet wound. " stop doing this to my heart.."

" im fine. you need to stop worrying about me. this is normal, baby." i explained. soobin looked at me, bewildered. he huffed and said nothing before leaving the room.
" i'll go get something for us to eat."
i shrugged and laid back down.

soobin pov

i couldn't believe he said that. this wasn't and shouldn't he normal! after running into the cocky boss, i could tell why yeonjun thought this was normal. walking down the cafeteria, vincenzo was sitting on one of the tables with a plate of food in front of him, untouched. i picked up my pace and sat in front of him.

" what's wrong?" i awkwardly asked him. he shrugged his shoulders. " i have no appetite, for as long as daniel is suffering in that room, i won't be able to eat." i chuckled at this. " well, yeonjun will eat your food if you don't." his eyes were as big as my foster mother's when i told her i was gay. " you're serious?!" i nodded my head.

" wait here, i'll go pack this! i'll buy yours too." he rushed out of his seat, walking fast towards the stall to get the food packed. i leaned back on my chair, waiting for vincenzo. at that moment, beomgyu came in and sat in front of me. at the same time, vincenzo was walking towards me with two bags filled with packed food. i signaled him to go to yeonjun's room first.

" what do you need, beomgyu?" i asked him. he breathed out in nervousness. " i-i.." he huffed out a breath and started again, " listen, im sorry. i shouldn't have taken my anger out on you like that, and kicked you out as a result.."
" im glad you know that was unkind of you.. you shouldn't have done that. im not trying to guilt trip you or anything but, i seriously did not expect that from my best friend. but its okay, its over now and i forgive you. just please, don't ever do that again." i told him. " what made you come apologise to me, though? im pretty sure you were stubborn and wasn't going to even let me talk to you."

" when i got to your location, i wasn't expecting the thing, you know?" he looked down at his hands, playing with it. " when i saw you in that smoky car... it was like something slapped me and was like ' you lost your best friend without even talking to him'. i was so scared of losing you, you know? the amount of blood on your head was.. horrifying. you were out like a light and i thought you were dead. that made me realise how important you are to me and.. i don't want to lose you."

i smiled at that. beomgyu was always showing his affection by teasing and pranking you, being the annoying little shit he is. it was a hard time without him, i've gotten used to his antiques every morning that i anticipated it. it was the norm.

im happy with life at the moment. the love of my life didn't die, i got my best friend back and those nasty people won't come after us anymore.


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