twenty two

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the police took his bike and left with the police car.
i waited for taehyun to come, hoping he took a car instead. this time, luck was thankfully on my side. he pulled up on the road shoulder. i got into the car and was bombarded with questions.
" what happened? what did you do? what did that dumbass do? why is he arrested again?"
i blinked in confusion. " huh?"
the only thing i registered in my mind at this point is, yeonjun was arrested before? on what charge?

" what happened?" he asked.
" an accident happened. yeonjun helped out." i answered. then came the next question, what did yeonjun do that he was arrested.
" he shouted profanities to the operator on the line because they were taking so long and yeonjun was only capable of saving two people." taehyun sighed, " that dumbass." i chuckled, knowing fully well that he was right. yeonjun was right in his actions though, they were taking too long indeed. normal services should've taken about 15 minutes to arrive on scene but they took 45 minutes to arrive.

" hey...what did yeonjun do that he was arrested before?" taehyun smiled and turned to me, " that, you have to wait for the man himself to tell you. or you could just ask, but i don't think he'll tell you anyway. or he would make stories up based on movies." taehyun turned back to the road, turning in to this huge looking mansion. it was brown and beige, it looked really antique. like those you see in conjuring or any other movies. i gawked at the sight. they had a porch! and a balcony!

" the balcony belongs to yeonjun by the way." taehyun announced. my jaw dropped even further. i opened the car door, rushing to the door. " i'll bring you to yeonjun's room. don't be shocked though." i frowned at his words, why would i be shocked? i was deep in thought before i realized we were right in front of a door.

" go ahead. everyone leaves in about an hour to the school. wanna come along?" i shook my head at taehyun's invitation.
" nope. i'll just...hang around here." taehyun nodded and walked away down the stairs, which i didn't even realize existed. i opened the door to yeonjun's room and boy was i shocked.

the room was messy. like really messy, it felt like i was in a pig's den! his clothes were all over the place and his boots were laid on top of a pile of clothes. his other shoes were all laying everywhere, with one shoe missing a pair, another on a table..? it was a horrible sight to say the least. i huffed and shut the door behind me. i took out my phone, turning on i know i hate you by tomorrow by todoro, my favourite band. i started tidying up the place, starting with putting his used clothes in the laundry basket, which was obviously empty because he doesn't fucking use it. i gagged at the smell of his shoes as i used two fingers to pick it up and throw it into his toilet. i dusted off his closet and cabinets, took off his bedsheets and fitted new ones i found in his closet rotting in loneliness. i vaccumed the shit out of his room which i took from their storage room. i placed my hands in my hips as i stared at my efforts. i nodded my head before going into the toilet. i stood there, wanting to die. i filled up the tub with water. then, using detergent, bleach and a brush, i started scrubbing his shoes to clean the dirt off. after that, i soaked his shoes in water and detergent to rid off from the pungent smell in a pail. i groaned and drained away the dirty water. now, i can really admire his room which wasn't that bad at all if not for his mess. by the time i finished cleaning, the genre of the music changed to yes rules from the same band.

his bed was black with grey pillows and blanket. his bedside table had a lamp and a photo frame of his motorbike. i seriously think he's obsessed with it. on the day of our first date, he was bragging about his bike in the car ride before we almost died. i didn't understand a thing he was saying but he was talking about something along the lines of flushing his bike which was impossible. he looked really happy talking about his bike so i left it alone and let him talk about it all he wanted. i heard jay screaming downstairs.

" we're off!" i laughed quietly, acknowledging that they were leaving to go to the school. i laid down on yeonjun's bed which smelled like him. cigarettes and mint. i inhaled his scent deeply and grinned, suddenly missing the shit out of the man. i wonder what's going on there. was he okay? of course he will be, what kind of question is that?

don't you know im strong? his words rang in my ears. i smiled softly at his voice. he was slowly becoming my everything, even if we just got together. he was slowly creeping into my heart, without my permission even before we got together. the day he saved me, i had already started liking him. he was already there in my heart in the first place, he just hadn't showed up yet. i smiled giddily, thinking about him and his previously black now pink hair. he looked illegally good. i stood up, walking out of the room to explore the big house. but as soon as i stepped out of the room, i rushed back in. i heared people coming into the house. and because the gang just left, it simply cannot be them. i started to shake in fear as i did what i only thought of.


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