forty nine

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hi people just know that i tried to write a fight scene and it probably isnt the best so i apologise!! :((

yeonjun pov

shit, they were catching up. i had to think fast. every second lost is a threat to soobin's safety. i looked to my right and saw soobin tightly closing his eyes. he was doing so well, listening to me. i didn't mean to make him do it but i couldn't live with myself if i broke my promise. he said he didn't want to see my blood, not didn't want me to bleed. so technically, i am allowed to get injured, as long as he doesn't see it. i could see that our car was slowly becoming the one tailing the car that was following us. it was no doubt the ally of the rose. im sure of it. i mean, we did blast their base, so i sure as hell hope its their ally.

soon we were the ones falling back and i could see our fuel meter about to go to empty. it didn't help that my head was buzzing with a headache after slamming it on the steering wheel, all because of that one fucking hit on the back of the car. my head is bleeding, the blood slowly falling on the side of my face and dripping onto my pants. i didn't even bother wiping it away.

the car in front of us suddenly turned and started facing us, driving in reverse. my eyes widened as i pressed on the brake so we didn't bang into the car.
" soobin.. pull your seat back, right now." he whimpered and fumbled about, trying to find the lever before finally holding onto it and pulling it. i pulled a gun out of the middle compartment, pointing it at them and aiming.

as i put my finger on the trigger, so close to pressing it, a bullet shot through the windshield, flying past soobin's seat, next to his head. i slightly panicked inside. i refocused and aimed again, as best as i could, with one hand and a busted windshield. i pressed a finger on the trigger and BANG it shot right out our windshield and into theirs. i shot the passenger right in the head. i could see the driver getting a little too panicked, something that isn't good. multiple shots flew by the car, some ended up hitting the sides of the car.

before i could even return the shots fired, their car jam braked. my eyes were as wide as saucers. i had no time to do anything, i wasn't anticipating this.
" damn it."


and in we go, into the front of the car. i could hear soobin scream as his head hit the dashboard. and then complete silence. my vision was hazy, i could barely see a thing. i looked to my right and i saw an unconscious soobin. my head was banging against my skull as i struggled to open my eyes and keep consciousness. i shook my head in an attempt to get rid of the haziness. i groaned at the pain of hitting the steering wheel twice on a hard impact. " fuck.."

as if on cue, saved by the miracle of god, trucks of blue moon members and other allies came rushing in the empty highway. i opened the car door, dragging myself towards the other car. i knew soobin would be in good hands now that they're here. i clutched my head in pain and annoyance at the inconveniences its causing.

there stood the leader of the red roses, standing tall and proud as hell. i was in disbelief because i knew for sure i blew that place up. so how the fuck is he alive and well, standing right in front of me? right when my worries for soobin is heightening, another worry comes forming itself right in front of me.

life couldn't get any better right? yeah, except for the fact that i can hear my baby screaming my name.

fuck me.

i refocused on the person in front of me. he was the most vile man i could think of. he kidnapped our senior's husband, for fun and revenge, by the way and on top of that tortures innocent people, and even worse, was probably part of soobin's kidnapping as well.

his death day is today and i will probably regret this on the day the police come after me and i have to stay for another ten years in the fucking hole and soobin suffers another trauma and then finally finds another better man but i couldn't risk one more threat to soobin's life. i was willing to go.

he finally punched me in my face, well at least now i can plead self defense. the blow to my face added to my headache. my stance staggered as i was put off balanced. i regained composure, putting my hands up in defense, my fists tightening with the thought of soobin possibly watching this unfold before him. i breathed in and exhaled through my nose. he started going into a frenzy, punching the shit out of my guts and my handsome face. i could hear soobin sobbing so obviously, he had opened his eyes. still, i didn't fight back. i held my hands up in defense to block his fists but my hands occasionally goes down to clutch my abdomen, which is where he found the chance to jab my face.

i was waiting for his breaking point, the point of tire. and it happened. the point of letting his guard down, thinking i was incapacitated. well hell no i wasn't. i trained myself for this. abused my own body for this. i smirked with blood dripping off my face as i launched onto him. punches after punches. and he couldn't do anythings to recover, because he was too tired to fight back. so in the end, he laid there, in his owm blood and sweat. i sighed a breath of relief as staggered, walking backwards as i wiped my nose.

i finally turned around, to see my other men fighting the remaining of the red roses and their allies. in the middle of chaos, there stood choi soobin, the love of my life. holy shit. i wanted to spend my life with this dude. what the fuck. i smiled as i dragged myself to him and finally hugging him.

" i love you,"


a gunshot fired. i felt pain on the left part of my back. i slouched into soobin as i groaned. both of us slid down to the ground. the pain was burning. my insides felt like it was on fire. soobin's cries burned the insides of my heart.

i made him cry again.

ramadhan's fuckin heeereeeee
goddamn i'll try to finish as best i can before it starts so yall wont have to wait a month for a chapter..

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