twenty four

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we rested in each other's arms for the longest time until eventually, soobin fell asleep and snored cutely and mumbled to himself. i kissed his temple before wearing a brand new shirt and headed to the meeting room.

" is there any way we can move the damn invasion to tomorrow?!" i exclaimed in annoyance. i looked at jay as he shook his head. " no. there's too many risks. their fortress of bodyguards are heavier tomorrow and the day after. meeting of some sort with another gang." i dragged my palms in my face as i groaned. " call the oyabun. right now. and massimo. we need their help. see if they can fly in by this week." jay nodded.

" wait...which massimo again??" he asked. " the sadistic gay." he still looked confused, " but they're all sadistic gays...." i mean...he's not wrong there. everytime a massimo calls me, i hear about their sexcapades and it leaves me traumatised. " yeah well, mateo massimo."

" ohhh...right. the worser sadistic gay.." he took out his burner phone to call them. i sighed, maybe we need more help. red roses are a big gang and we'll need a huge manpower to be able to eliminate them. i kept thinking of people who would join me. definitely not leo ramirez....talks too much. maybe yazu momoshi..but he's getting old his joints are probably fucked. he has a son..yuki momoshi. good choice. another one...hmm..vincenzo amore. i snapped my fingers. great choice. motherfucker's got rare guns. i fished out my phone, calling him up.

" hey. come sta il ragazzo?" i asked upon him picking up the phone.
" mio bambino sta bene. cosa c'è che non va, my dear?" the man replied. i sighed, "abbiamo bisogno di aiuto qui. is it possible for you to vola qui?" i asked. he chuckled, " oh, my dear, your italian still needs improving. is it the red roses again? cosa hanno fatto questa volta?" my ears were red and i was fuming in anger when i remembered what they did. to my property. my baby.

" hanno incasinato il mio bambino. my bambi. i figli di puttana lo facevano spaventare. if you could please help." i explained. he sighed, " they're stepping over the line. we will be flying in by the next two days. grazie per aver chiamato, my dear. abbi cura di te e saluta il tuo bambino da parte mia." he ended the call with that.

" alright. we have vincenzo amore on our side. did mateo answer?" jay shook his head. i groaned, "probably busy fucking his weekly toy for the week. try again five hours later." we chuckled, knowing too well. " how about the oyabun?"

" good news. they're sending their best. also, they'll be sending some ninjas over." i nodded. thankfully, they agreed. i don't know if us blue moon would be enough to infiltrate their base, backup would be necessary. " tell the seniors." i said and left the room to go back to being with soobin. entering the room, he was wide awake and using my phone, taking pictures of himself. i chuckled and he turned to look at me, all red faced. he was so adorable!! i sat down on the bed, knowing what was coming next. i had to tell him.

" baby? i need to tell you something.." i started. i looked at him and his eyes had already started welling up with tears. i have no idea what he was thinking, but whatever it was, the answer was no. if that answer will make him happy, then that is the right one. " heyhey,, why are you crying?" i panicked when his tears dropped and stained his pretty milky cheeks.

" are you breaking up with me??" i looked at him in confusion. "huh...?" i shook my head. " of course not! baby, why do you think so?" he started crying and i panicked even more as i hesitated, not knowing what to do but ultimately just bringing him into my embrace. " b-because!" i rubbed his back, trying to stop his crying.
" because?" i prompted.
" i-i d-don't know???? the w-way you said the sentence just made me think we're gonna b-break up." i chuckled,
" oh're so adorable." i looked down at him, putting my finger under his chin to make him look at me. i pecked his nose. " im not leaving." i see him visibly sigh in relief. " but i do have bad news.." he tensed up again. "...and good news." i continued. i pulled away and sat in front of him, holding his shoulders.

" listen i- i have to do my job.." i started and soobin looked worried.
" uhm..we- we're going do i say this? eliminate? yeah. we're going to eliminate the red roses, our long time enemy. and the ones who hurt you." he nodded,
" what's the bad news..?"
" i-i have to leave you alone for a few days.. i'll be really busy preparing myself. but of course you can come see me train and be in my office when i plan my attacks.."
" that's not so bad...i think i'll be fine..just a little worried is all.." soobin said in a small voice. i smiled at his understanding and consideration towards the situation.
" what's the good news then??" he asked.

" you won't see me bloodied."

come sta il ragazzo? - how's the boy?
il mio bambino sta bene. - my baby's doing fine.
Cosa c'è che non va? - what's wrong?
abbiamo bisogno di aiuto qui. - we need help.
vola qui - fly here
cosa hanno fatto questa volta? - what did they do this time?
hanno incasinato il mio bambino. - they messed up my baby.
i figli di puttana lo facevano spaventare. - the sons of bitches scared him.
grazie per aver chiamato - thank you for calling.
abbi cura di te e saluta il tuo bambino da parte mia. - take care of yourself and say hello to your baby for me.
oyabun - boss of the yakuza.

also if you couldn't tell i used google translate !!!!!!

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