twenty three

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i quickly went to my contacts on my phone. scrolling down until i saw yeonjun's contact, i pressed on it without hesitation. it rang for awhile before he picked up. before he could even say anything, i whispered to him, " d-dan, there's p-people in the h-house. i-i don't k-know who t-they are. c-can you p-please come. q-quick." i trembled, the fear taking over me as i heard shouting between the people downstairs. i started sobbing quietly.

" coming baby. stay on call, okay? im coming." i heard his bike starting and revving. " i'll be there in five, baby. you're in my room right? okay. do you see the closet? yes? okay. i need you to get inside, okay?" i heard him say. i shook my head.
" n-no..i-im scared.." i heard cars honking and i knew he was speeding. " baby..i'll be there with you, okay? i need you to be strong, yes? i know you are. my strong baby." i started sobbing more and quickly but quietly walked towards his closet. i heard footsteps stepping closer to the room. i quickly opened the closet door and got in, closing the door quietly. the room door opened, and i saw a man with red hair and piercings come in. i whimpered quietly as he walked past the closet. i muted my phone so there won't be any notification alerts. keeping my phone to my ears, i hear yeonjun calming me down.

" im almost there baby, okay? you're being so strong for me. good boy. im here, baby. i need you to stay quiet, yes?" i nodded my head, as the man was still in the room searching for something. i had to keep quiet. i heard the house door open, and groans as i heard things getting thrown and glass shattering. i heard footsteps running up the stairs and the door to the room being opened.

" who the fuck are you?!" i heard the man i came to have feelings for scream. the other guy stood there, shocked. he stuttered and tried to run away. yeonjun grabbed him before he could even do it. " alright, baby. i need you to turn away for me, okay? im here."
i turned away from the cracks of the closet and shut my eyes as i heard cries of pain and begs to be released. and then silence. the closet door opened and yeonjun was there. i sighed in relief as i started crying again. i saw yeonjun wipe his hands on his shirt before taking it off and taking me into his embrace.

" you were so strong, baby. good boy. im sorry i couldn't come earlier. you did well, babyboy. so good." i sobbed into his chest, wetting his chest with my tears, not realizing the guy was unconcious and bleeding right behind yeonjun. i slowly calmed down. " they were lucky they didn't do shit to you. fuck. i would've killed them." i looked up at him, " no." my voice weak and hoarse from crying. he sighed, " i know, you would've stopped me." i nodded and booped his nose. he softly kissed me. " are you alright?" i nodded and clung onto him. " now that you're here. how was the police station? fun?" he groaned.

" god they were annoying little pricks. i was released with a warning. supposed to spend a day or two in jail but because im a hot man, i was released." i rolled my eyes at his explanation and smacked his chest. i tried to stand up. keyword : tried. i was pulled back down by yeonjun himself.
" its better if you don't. let's just..get out of here, yeah?" i looked at him in confusion but brushed it off anyway. he carried me bridal style as i buried my face into his neck. he opened the door and headed into another room. he placed me down on the bed. " stay here for abit, okay?" i nodded my head. there was nothing i could do anyway, the man was busy. he took out his phone.

yeonjun's pov

" get. back. here. NOW!" i screamed into the phone. poor jake but whatever. the call was hunged up and i knew they were rushing back. i was fuming as i went downstairs, standing and waiting for them as i cleaned my knife with my shirt i took from my room. the door opened, and there they were. shocked.

" how?" i asked. beomgyu stuttered.
" t-they could u-uh have h-hacked into o-our s-system to break the a-alarm.." i nodded my head. " you know what to do don't you?" he nodded.
" s-strengthen i-it." i hummed, " well, at least you know. get to it, fucking bitch." beomgyu nodded his head with tears rimming in his eyes.
" clean the mess up and meet in the meeting room when you're done." i said, glaring into their eyes. i knew this was done by the red roses because no one else would be daring enough to break into OUR base. fucking rats. i huffed as i went back into the room which was soon going to be soobin's if he agreed to come over and sleepover once in awhile. i went back in and was met soobin's smile which instantly brightened up my mood. his smile falters and dropped and i looked at him in confusion before realizing the knife and my bloodied shirt. i quickly chucked it outside of the room.

" w-what was t-that?" soobin asked as he backed away from me. my heart broke as his eyes were filled with fear. towards me. i walked closer to him and he backed away even further. i stopped walking.
" i-its not what y-you think, baby. i swear." he shook his head, " is that why you brought me to another room? huh?" i sighed, nodding my head. he chuckled painfully, " of course.... will you explain?! so i won't get even more angrier? even if i know what i signed up for when i got with you?" i sighed and sat beside the bed.

" i didn't kill anyone if that's what you were worrying about. i told you i'd beat people up but no killing. just a few slashes. they won't die." soobin sighed in relief.
" will you please come sit on me now?" i asked, desperately needing his warmth to calm me down from being pissed off. he giggled. " come here you big baby." i smiled and climbed onto the bed, kissing his forehead before pulling him closer to me.

" kiss me." he said. i smiled and kissed him with all of my love in my heart, he smiled into the kiss and placing his hands on my cheeks as my hands rested on his ass. told you, as long as i got to touch his ass. at this moment, i was happy. very happy. i haven't been taking my pills because i didn't need it. i didn't need the sleeping pills nor did i need the seizure pills, because i had soobin. and he was my sleeping pill.

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