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silence followed after. they rested in each other's embrace, nothing else. no one disturbing them. hopefully it lasted for longer, if not for yeonjun's phone ringing. yeonjun took his phone, staring at the screen. he cleared his throat, removing himself from soobin and giving him a small smile before opening the door. soobin heard a small, " daniel here." before yeonjun shut the door behind him. soobin calmly waited, playing with his fingers and humming to himself.

after what felt like hours, which probably was just like...10 minutes, yeonjun came back in the room with a face of guilt. " hey..." yeonjun started and immediately soobin knew something was up. not only by the way his face changed in a matter of 10 minutes, but also because yeonjun doesn't really start a conversation like that. " what is it, dan?" he asked. yeonjun sighed, sitting down on the bed again. " i gotta go.." soobin frowned. " oh. uhm... is it okay if you told me where and why..?"

yeonjun nodded. " im gonna have to go back to the base. i don't know, apparently there has been some people killing off our members." soobin looked at him.
" are you gonna..you know stab them or something?" yeonjun chuckled and shook his head. he patted soobin's head and went to his closet, picking out the jacket which was ironically fucking blue. it had the gang's logo on the back with a little gold outlining the logo. yeonjun was pissed he had to wear that everytime they went for fights but oh well.

thankfully the ripped jeans was black, much to yeonjun's pleasure.
he wore a belt, placing in his favourite knife and a gun on his back pocket because he was too lazy to wear a gun holster, covered it with his black shirt. taking the keys, he wore his bandana and with a final turn to look at soobin, yeonjun left him with a soft smile and a gentle sorry embedded into soobin's mind.

yeonjun's pov

i rode taehyun's bike back to the damned mansion. i walked through the doors and everybody was in their serious mode. they bowed their heads as i walked past them. reaching the meeting room, the table was filled with the seniors. i bowed my head as i walked in, my members following me after. sunghoon went up front.
" seniors. my name is park sunghoon. im in charge of communications," the seniors nodded. jin hyung was present today, i thought. sunghoon continued, " today, based on our police intel, there has been killings going around and unfortunately the victims always seem to be of our blood,"

silence. i stared at sunghoon. he was always professional while doing talks like this even when he was only 19. i mean, things must have been tough for him not to display emotions. the kid has went through alot and yeonjun knew that even though he doesn't really open up about himself. yeonjun remembered sunghoon saying something like his parents had abandoned him and left him near a dumpster.

that was something yeonjun could never imagine happening to a kid.
" following the evidences given and the circumstances of the killings, the red roses seem to be the one behind these. their mark of carving roses on the deceased chest has been shown during the autopsy. thank you, jay park will take over now."

jay slowly stood up from his seat, bringing a map with him. he laid it out on the table. " seniors. my name is jay park. im in charge of planning and arms dealing," the seniors nodded, once again. it was compulsory to introduce yourself before doing your task in the meeting. we don't often meet with the seniors, other than namjoon and jin hyung. jin hyung would often drag his poor husband to the mansion just to feed us.

" the plan is to hack into red roses' security cameras, which will be handled by kang taehyun. red roses' has electrical fences lined up around their base. in order to remove the voltage, choi beomgyu will be the one to find the power source once we arrive there. we have to be divided into groups of seven. take our north as this land plot right here. two teams which will be lead by choi yeonjun and lee heeseung, will be entering by the east and west side of the compound. while another three teams, led by yang jungwon, kim sunwoo and mark lee would go from the south side of the compound. the rest of the teams would be in the van, waiting for backup. each team has to have at least 3 seniors. kim sunoo amd riki nishimura will be monitoring the security cameras from the van and instruct all of you on your directions. the plan will be carried out next week monday, 2340 sharp. thank you." 

yeah...this kid have gone through some tough shit too. jay had been raised in a military household and had been trained since he was at a young age. jay would often tell stories of his training - or what yeonjun called; torture. jay was 15 when his father would strap him to a dentist looking chair and beat him up, slap water onto him and shock him. his father would also dunk his head in a sink filled with water, in and out. and somehow jay still survived.

he was trained how to handle different guns. he would stand under the scorching sun for hours on end, doing push ups and stuff. jay finally escaped the house when he turned 18, and walked the streets. he used to assassinate people for money until yeonjun found him and took him in. all the members in the blue moon had been brought in from different types of situations. 

the seniors however, had a different start. the fifteen members were the bestest of friends, and had one thing in common - a broken household. they met each other in high school and college. they all had landed in prison at least once in their lives on different kinds of charges. still, they didn't break. they all had made a vow, a motto. to never leave anyone with a broken life. no matter where you were, they would somehow find you and take you in. we now have 50 over members and going strong. we all owe our lives to the seniors.

now, how the fuck do i tell soobin about this?

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