twenty nine

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today i decided it was a good idea to start my 'research'. firstly, it would be nice to ask taehyun about it. so i did and not gonna lie, it was a pretty good advise.

" i don't know man. you should ask beomgyu since he's my bottom, he'd have a good perspective on this. but if you really wanted mine, i usually just tell him that i love him or just show affection. it depends on soobin's love language, really." was what he said so then i had to find beomgyu, which is really hard by the way! motherfucker be in one place then another in like fifteen minutes, its frustrating honestly. but then finally i find him in the fucking pantry. well at least now i know who stole my damn chips, little bitch. he was munching on them while muttering, " fuck it feels good to eat yeonjun's food.." fucking jerk.

anyways so i told him about our situation since it would be told to the others soon anyway. because guess what? we're gonna go chop the motherfucker's dick off! isn't that fun?
beomgyu has given me a lot of advise on things and it's pretty useful surprisingly. he looks like a dumb bitch but maybe taehyun has changed him and given him a few braincells.

" right! so i don't know if you've noticed but soobin likes the small things. for example, you asking how his day was and asking him about the things he did for that day. i swear to you, you'll see his eyes shine like so bright talking about his day, because he cares about it. how his day affected him positively and negatively. just be there for him. and he loves bread! so get him lots of that, also ask him about opinions on the things you're doing. i like it when taehyun does that, it makes me feel included. these small little things matter to him especially when you prepare him his breakfast. yeah that's that."

i stood there in shock, because i have noticed these things but i thought it would be insignificant to him. i really wanted to show him that i care because i really do and i would do anything for him to realise that. nobody has ever made me feel this way before. i have never had the tendancy to show someone that i care for them because they know i do and they take advantage of that. but soobin's different. you can just tell. the way he does things is different, he thanks me for the littlest thing ever. like the time he thanked me for getting him water when he has nightmares about his past, or the time when i payed for our dinner. these people never said a thank you when i do those things. obviously not my gang mates but other bitches that were in my life. he isn't toxic, he asks if i'd like to do things before actually doing it and actually cares about my opinions on things. he tells me a lot about himself and i don't feel like i'm good enough for him sometimes. but i look back on the things he says to me and remind myself that, hey even though he hasn't said it yet, that doesn't mean he doesn't care for you. it may take time for him to realise it and finally think he is the one and only for me but i'm willing to wait. i can wait a hundred years just for him.

awhile later, i heard soobin wake up from his nap after our little conversation. i heard his little footsteps walking around the hallway.
" junnie..? where are you?" he said and i could hear his pouting. he's very grouchy when he wakes up and always hugs me when he does wake up. it's been about three weeks since we started dating and he's been doing that all the time and i find it so adorable. " in here darling," he slowly peeked out from the wall and pouted even more. he slowly walked towards me and stopped in front of me, grabbed my pinky and started playing with it. well, this is new.

" hello was your nap, baby?" he softly smiled, " it was nice! can you come back to the bed please?" i gently nodded and followed him as he pulled me away from the pantry, towards my room. he sat me down on the bed and settled himself beside me, leaving a little space between us.
" i wanna talk about it. i-i think i'll f-feel better..y-you won't l-love me any l-lesser though, r-right?"
i shook my head as an obvious answer, " no, darling, i won't."
he nodded a little before clearing his throat.

" he's d-done it a-alot of t-times. but it was all consensual..i-i uh h-had debts. and i couldn't p-pay them all so he- he offered me a j-job at his bar. i accepted it, but it barely covered a quarter of the debt and he demanded more. so i-i worked o-overtime, cleaning the r-rooms where they had s-services done. then one day when i was cleaning a room, h-he came up t-to me and said that m-maybe i should r-repay him in another w-way. me, being the horny teen i was, g-god i practically sold my body to him, daniel. i made the biggest mistake, but i-i actually e-enjoyed it. god im such a whore..but then i had to do it. he did it with me a couple of times more until i successfully paid the full amount. it went on for two years. two fucking years. then it stopped. and i thought it would be fucking over, but no."

i opened my arms, offering a hug.
" h-he started to want m-more and h-he assaulted other w-workers but i-i couldn't afford to q-quit so i j-just handled so sorry daniel.."
i shook my head as he melted into my arms. " that's not your fault, darling. please don't apologize..."

he sniffled before looking up at me,
" i feel safe in your arms..and i feel protected when you're with thank you for making me feel that way when im with you.." i smiled at him with affection in my eyes.

" im happy im doing my job of making you feel safe. i love you, baby." he softly smiled, showing off his dimples. i pinched his cheeks, cooing at his cuteness. " how about we get a late night snack? yeah? you want that?" he nodded his head like the cute little bunny he is. " let's go then..pick whatever you want okay?"

we came back to the room with a bunch of bread and ice cream in our hands. we watched a movie for the rest of the night and ended up sleeping at three in the morning. it was a productive day, i guess. the ambush was postponed after what happened so it's going to be happening next week instead. soobin knows it and he's gonna join me in my office and training ground to see me being 'hot'. so that's our plan for the next few days. hopefully nothing comes up.

hey bitches so like i think you'll be confused with the timeline so let me like explain sjshus
uhm two weeks into them dating, the thing happened to soobin, and this whole chapter was a whole week after what happened if that makes sense bc soobin was like not ready to tell anything so like yeah :p

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